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The list is split up into eight categories, which should be mostly self-explanatory ("covers" refers to songs written by other bands & covered by TSP, Zwan, or a solo member, "side projects" are songs by other bands that had contributions by TSP members, or are mashups of TSP songs, etc.). Additionally, you can search by songwriter credits (note: these are based on BMI registration records where published, liner notes where not registered, and may be blank in other cases, even if "obvious"). Other writer credits (including co-writer searches, e.g. Billy + James) can be found by using the search page.

Once a song type or writer is chosen, "shortcut" links will appear underneath, which set certain commonly-used search criteria- the double pipes delimit sets that go together (i.e. "show/hide alt. titles", "show released/unreleased/all songs"). Due to limitations of the code, each song can currently only be assigned to one type, thus any non-released Zwan-era songs which Billy is using in his solo career will be listed under 'BC solo', just as some early Marked songs (i.e. Sun & Spiteface) were appropriated & used under TSP. So if you're browsing under Zwan & can't find something, check under BC solo, or switch to 'all songs'.

Most covers listed here contain the original lyrics. Some lyrics include stage banter from particular live performances. Notes and band comments are included where available.

Alternate and commonly used incorrect titles are marked with an asterisk (*) and point to another entry. Some of these entries may have different lyrics (i.e. "Disco King," "Virex," etc.), which are linked underneath the "normal" lyrics.

  1. !  *
  2. ?  *
  3. 10,000,000 Voices
  4. 1,000,000 Voices
  5. 1000 Years
  6. 17
  7. 1979
  8. 1981 [Arnold]
  9. 20th Century Boy [T. Rex]
  10. 22 Below
  11. 3:30p.m.
  12. 365
  13. 48 Chords
  14. 4人の風景 (yonin no fuukei - Scenery of 4 People)
  15. 4th Of July
  16. 6234
  17. 6+7
  18. 77
  19. 7 Shades of Black
  20. 7 Sisters  *
  21. 8 Miles High [The Byrds]
  22. 900 Million People Daily (All Makin' Love) [The Seeds]
  23. 999
  24. 99 Floors
  25. #9 Dream [Lennon]
  26. A100
  27. A/Ab/E/B/F#
  28. A/B/G Drop A
  29. About My Reputation
  30. Accelerator
  31. Access Hollywood (BG Cues)
  32. Ache  *
  33. Acknowledgement of Truth
  34. Acoustic intro from If All Goes Wrong
  35. Action
  36. Addicted [The Blank Theory]
  37. Admit What We Know
  38. Adrennalynne
  39. A drone  *
  40. Aelita
  41. Aerial (Reprise)
  42. Aeronaut
  43. The Aeroplane Flies High
  44. Affirmations
  45. Again, Again, Again (The Crux)
  46. Age of Consent [New Order]
  47. Age of Innocence
  48. Ah! the Moonlight
  49. 愛の真夏 (Ai no Manatsu - Midsummer of Love)
  50. Ain't Got What It Takes
  51. Ain't No One Gonna Hurt You  *
  52. Ain't Talkin' 'bout Love [Van Halen]
  53. Air
  54. Air Blower [Beck]
  55. Airport Arrival
  56. Alabaster
  57. Alice Tape Worm Diet
  58. Alienation
  59. Alive [Pearl Jam]
  60. All Along the Watchtower [Dylan]
  61. All Answers Revealed
  62. All Blues
  63. All Day and All of the Night [Kinks]
  64. All Dead
  65. The Alley B (Overlay)
  66. All I Hear Is Snow
  67. All Kinds of Time [Fountains of Wayne]
  68. All of Me [Simons/Marks]
  69. All Saints
  70. All That She Wants [Ace of Base]
  71. All That We Know
  72. All the Young Dudes [Bowie]
  73. All Things Change
  74. All We Ever Wanted Was Everything [Bauhaus]
  75. All We Know
  76. All You Need Is Love [Beatles]
  77. All Your Love [Sir Sly]
  78. Alone Inside
  79. Always [Berlin]
  80. Always a Hoe
  81. Always On the Run [Kravitz]
  82. Amarinthe
  83. Amazing Parents
  84. America
  85. Am I Evil? [Diamondhead]
  86. Am I Second
  87. Anaise!
  88. Anal Bead
  89. And I Stumbled Onto You  *
  90. And the Winner Is
  91. Angie [Rolling Stones]
  92. Angie Out
  93. Angie's Back
  94. Angie's Old
  95. Anima Animus
  96. Annie-Dog
  97. Annie's Orphanage
  98. Annika Deception
  99. Anno Satana
  100. Anon
  101. Another Door [Takahashi]
  102. Answer
  103. Answer the Phone
  104. Antietam
  105. Anti-Hero
  106. Anyways
  107. Anywhere Tonight [The Candles]
  108. Apartment Complex
  109. Apathy's Last Kiss
  110. Apologia
  111. Appels + Oranjes
  112. Appetite
  113. Apples and Oranges
  114. The April Fools [Takahashi]
  115. Archer
  116. Are You Gonna Go My Way? [Kravitz]
  117. Armed to the Teeth
  118. Arrangement
  119. Arrangement End Credit 101
  120. Arrangement End Credits
  121. Arrangement End Credits 104
  122. Arrangement Main Title
  123. Arrangement Main Title 102
  124. Arrangement Main Title 103
  125. Arrangement Main Title 104
  126. Arrangement Recap
  127. Arrangement Recap 104
  128. Art Gallery Power Play
  129. Art Museum
  130. ある日の昼下がり (aru hi no hirusagari - Early Afternoon One Day)
  131. Ascending Guitars
  132. Ascendo
  133. Asia Minor
  134. Asian House
  135. As Rome Burns
  136. Astral Planes
  137. As Yet Untitled
  138. At Last
  139. A Trip Unto Bountiful  *
  140. Attic
  141. Attic Sex
  142. Atum
  143. Auf Wiedersehen [Cheap Trick]
  144. Automaton
  145. Autumn
  146. Autumn Leaves [Kosma/Prevert/Mercer]
  147. Autumn Nocturne
  148. Ava Adore
  149. Avalanche
  150. Await
  151. Awww
  152. Axe to Grind
  153. Baby  *
  154. Baby, I Love You [Ronettes]
  155. Baby, I'm King
  156. Baby, Let's Rock!
  157. Baby Loves to Rock [Cheap Trick]
  158. Baby Man
  159. Baby Mine [Churchill/Washington]
  160. Baby (new demo)
  161. Bachelorette Solved
  162. Back for the Hampster
  163. Back In Our Town
  164. Back of My Mind [The Blank Theory]
  165. Back to Rube
  166. Back With You
  167. Bad Moon Rising [Creedence Clearwater Revival]
  168. Bad Timing
  169. Bagatelle [Vanessa & the O's]
  170. Bagel (intro)
  171. bagel (outro)
  172. Bagel Scene Remix
  173. Bag is Good to Go
  174. Bagpipes Drone
  175. The Ballad of Bonnie and Clyde [Gainsbourg]
  176. The Ballad of Davy Crockett [Bruns/Blackburn]
  177. The Ballad of Frank and David
  178. The Ballad of the Skeletons [Ginsberg]
  179. Ball and Chain
  180. Ball of Feelings
  181. Barb Wire  *
  182. Bargain [Who]
  183. Barracuda [Heart]
  184. Bathtub
  185. Be A Man [Hole]
  186. Beast Of Honor
  187. Beautiful
  188. Beautiful One  *
  189. Beautiful People [Marilyn Manson]
  190. Beautiful Star
  191. Beautiful View [Brookville]
  192. Beauty
  193. Because You Are
  194. Beds Are Burning [Midnight Oil]
  195. Been Too Long
  196. Before We Were Lonely
  197. The Beginning Is the End Is the Beginning
  198. Beguiled
  199. Behold! the Night Mare
  200. Being Beige
  201. Believe
  202. The Bells
  203. Be Patient
  204. Be Strong Now
  205. Better Days [Breaking Benjamin]
  206. Bevelsnork
  207. Beyond the Vale
  208. B♭ Jam
  209. Big Al's Theme
  210. Bigger Obstacle
  211. Big Sleep
  212. Birch Grove
  213. Bit 2
  214. Bit 4
  215. Bit 5
  216. Bit 7
  217. Bitch
  218. Blackbird [Beatles]
  219. Black Diamond [KISS]
  220. Black Forest, Black Hills
  221. Black Irish
  222. Black Oblivion
  223. The Black Rider
  224. Black Sabbath [Black Sabbath]
  225. Black Sox
  226. Black Sunshine  *
  227. Blank
  228. Blank Page
  229. Blast
  230. Blaster Caster
  231. Bleed
  232. Bleeding the Orchid
  233. Blessed Mother
  234. Blew Away
  235. Blind
  236. Blissed
  237. Blissed and Gone
  238. Blister in the Sun [Violent Femmes]
  239. Blitzkrieg Bop [Ramones]
  240. Blob Ate the Cable
  241. Blob Robs Newstand
  242. Bloody Macbeth
  243. Blown Away [Sound of Urchin]
  244. Blue
  245. Blue Eyes [Weiland]
  246. Blue in Green Again
  247. Blue Light
  248. Blue Moon Blue [Takahashi]
  249. Blueprint For Yourself
  250. Blue Skies Bring Tears
  251. Blue Sky Shoe Shine [Lenchantin]
  252. Blues Run the Game [Jackson C. Frank]
  253. Blurricane
  254. Bobby Franks
  255. Bob Drugs Leah
  256. Bodies
  257. Body+Soul
  258. Body Issues
  259. Bohemian Rhapsody [Queen]
  260. ボクにうつして (Boku ni utsushite)
  261. The Bomb  *
  262. Boo
  263. The Boredom Song
  264. Born in the U.S.A. [Springsteen]
  265. Born on the Bayou [CCR]
  266. Born Ready Trans
  267. Born to Run  *
  268. Born Under a Bad Sign [Jones/Bell]
  269. Boulevards of Splendor
  270. Box 36
  271. Box of Rain [Grateful Dead]
  272. The Boy
  273. Boys Don't Cry [Cure]
  274. Bracelet
  275. Breakdown [Petty]
  276. Breakin' the Law [Judas Priest]
  277. Break on Through [Doors]
  278. Breathe
  279. Breathe [Pink Floyd]
  280. Breath of Life
  281. Bridge Over Troubled Water [Simon/Garfunkel]
  282. Bringing The We
  283. Bring It
  284. Bring it on Home [Led Zeppelin]
  285. Bring the Light
  286. Broken [The Blank Theory]
  287. Broken Bunny Bird [Catherine]
  288. Brooklyn to LA
  289. Brouhaha [Vanessa & the O's]
  290. Buddy Doesn't Want to Leave
  291. Buddy Forgot His Wife
  292. Buffalo Boys
  293. Bugg Superstar
  294. Bullet Train to Osaka
  295. Bullet with Butterfly Wings
  296. Bulls On Parade [RAtM]
  297. Burn [Deep Purple]
  298. Burnt Orange-Black
  299. Burr
  300. Bury Me
  301. Bury Sue At Sea
  302. Busy Downtune Bb/G  *
  303. Butterfly Suite
  304. Bye Bye Blackbird
  305. Bye June
  306. By Starlight
  307. Cab Ride
  308. Calling Dr. Love [KISS]
  309. Call the Shots [Xenomania]
  310. Calx
  311. Camaro
  312. TheCameraEye
  313. Camo Before the Date
  314. Camo in the Street
  315. Camo Living a Lie
  316. Camomile Library
  317. Camomile on a Date
  318. Camomile Slurpee
  319. Camo's Apartment
  320. Camo's Career
  321. Camo's Devious
  322. Camo's Got Video
  323. Camo Show In
  324. Camo's Pissed
  325. Camo's Show Gets Hijacked
  326. Camo Visits Newstand
  327. The Canary Trainer
  328. Candy Came Calling
  329. Can't Find My Way Home [Blind Faith]
  330. Can't Get A Read On You
  331. Can't Seem to Make You Mine [The Seeds]
  332. Capsized Jackknifed Crisis
  333. Cardinal Rule
  334. Careless Love [traditional]
  335. Caroline, Yes
  336. Cars [Numan]
  337. Case Solved
  338. Cash Car Star
  339. Cast a Stone
  340. Catch the Rainbow [Rainbow]
  341. Cathedral
  342. Cat Walk
  343. Cease to Be
  344. Celebrity Icon
  345. Celebrity Skin [Hole]
  346. The Celestials
  347. Cenotaph
  348. A Certain Kind of Change
  349. Cha Cha
  350. Chamomile at Gallery
  351. Champagne Supernova [Oasis]
  352. A Chance for the Day
  353. Charades
  354. Charlie Charlie [Vanessa & the O's]
  355. Checking Out the House
  356. Checkmate
  357. Cherry
  358. Cherub Rock
  359. Chewing Gum
  360. Chicago
  361. The Chicago Code (TV Theme)
  362. Chicago Eddie
  363. Chicken Salt Rap
  364. Chicks
  365. The Chimera
  366. China Doll
  367. Chinoise
  368. Choose to Choose Love
  369. Christmas Dreaming (A Little Early This Year) [Gordon/Lee]
  370. Christmas Song
  371. Christmastime
  372. Chrysanthemum
  373. Chump  *
  374. Cinder
  375. Cinder Open
  376. Cinnamon Girl [Neil Young]
  377. Circular Change
  378. Clear My Head [Ivy]
  379. Cling to Me in Dreamtime
  380. Clocking to Death
  381. Clones (We're All) [Cooper]
  382. (They Long to Be) Close to You [Bacharach/David]
  383. Clouds
  384. C'mon
  385. Coach Him Up
  386. Coco Puffs
  387. Cold Gin [KISS]
  388. College Friend
  389. Colorado [Stills]
  390. Colosseum
  391. The Colour of Love
  392. Columbus
  393. Come All Ye Fair and Tender Ladies [Cale]
  394. Come As You Are [Nirvana]
  395. Come Back Home
  396. Comedy Case Out
  397. Comedy Club Haunted
  398. Comedy Show
  399. (Come On) Let's Go!
  400. Come Undone
  401. Come with Me
  402. Comfortably Numb [Pink Floyd]
  403. Commitment
  404. Communication Breakdown [Led Zeppelin]
  405. Communion
  406. Compass
  407. Confessions
  408. Confessions of a Dopamine Addict
  409. Confronting Father
  410. Confront It
  411. Confront Your Fear
  412. Consumed
  413. Contest Intro
  414. Contest (remix)
  415. Coração Vagabundo [Veloso]
  416. The Coronation Failure
  417. Corporation [The Blank Theory]
  418. Corsage in Flames
  419. Cortez the Killer [Neil Young]
  420. Cotillions
  421. Cottonwood Symphony
  422. Couldn't Stand the Weather [Stevie Ray Vaughan]
  423. Country Death Song [Violent Femmes]
  424. Country Girl
  425. Country Song  *
  426. Count Your Blessings
  427. Course Correct
  428. Cowboy X
  429. Cranes of Prey
  430. Crashland Consequence
  431. Crawl
  432. Crazy [Cline]
  433. Creep [Stone Temple Pilots]
  434. Crestfallen
  435. Cri de Coeur
  436. Cristina
  437. Crooked Game
  438. Cross (pre-Gish demo)
  439. Cross (Adore-era demo)
  440. Crossroads [Johnson]
  441. The Cross [Scorpions]
  442. Cruels Et Tendres [Vanessa & the O's]
  443. The Cruise [Rentals]
  444. Crush
  445. The Crying Tree of Mercury
  446. Crystal Blue  *
  447. The Crystal Ship [Doors]
  448. The Culling
  449. Cupid de Locke
  450. Curious Scientist
  451. Cyr
  452. Czarina
  453. Daggers [Ex Cops]
  454. Dahomey Dance [Coltrane]
  455. Daisy Chains
  456. Dali Holds the Hand of God
  457. Dancehall
  458. Dance Hit #4
  459. Dance of the Dwarves
  460. Dance of the Grebe
  461. Dancing Barefoot [Smith]
  462. Dancing in the Moonlight [Thin Lizzy]
  463. Danger Boy
  464. Dangerous Type [Cars]
  465. Daniel Gets Laid
  466. Daniel Needs Sex
  467. Daniel Thank You
  468. Danke Schoen [Schwabach/Gabler/Kaempfert]
  469. Danny the Virgin
  470. Daphne Descends
  471. Darcy
  472. Dark Cloud
  473. Dark Energy
  474. Dark Star
  475. Daughter
  476. The Dauphine
  477. Dawn at 16
  478. A Day at the Circus
  479. Day by Day [Schwartz]
  480. Daydream
  481. Days 13
  482. Day Tripper [Beatles]
  483. Dazed and Confused [Led Zeppelin]
  484. Deadbeat Main Title
  485. Deadbeat 101 End Credits
  486. Deadbeat 102 End Credits
  487. Deadbeat 103 End Credits
  488. Deadbeat 104 End Credits
  489. Deadbeat 106 End Credits
  490. Deadbeat 107 End Credits
  491. Deadbeat 108 End Credits
  492. Deadbeat 109 End Credits
  493. Deadbeat End Credits
  494. Dead Last Cues
  495. Dead Serious
  496. Dear Kyle
  497. Dearth
  498. Death Boogie
  499. Death Don't Have No Mercy [Davis]
  500. Death from Above
  501. Death of a Mind  *
  502. Death of a Mind
  503. Declarations of Faith
  504. Dee
  505. Definitely Haunted
  506. Delusions of Candor
  507. The Demon
  508. Demon Pickle
  509. Dennis Answer
  510. Depresso
  511. Descendo  *
  512. Desert Plains [Judas Priest]
  513. Desire
  514. Destination Unknown [Missing Persons]
  515. Destroyer [Kinks]
  516. Detonation Device
  517. Detroit Rock City [KISS]
  518. Devotion
  519. DIA
  520. Diamond Eyes
  521. Diamonds
  522. Dick or Peter
  523. Didn't Care at All
  524. Did You Miss Me (I'm a Veronica)
  525. Did You Really Mean That
  526. Die
  527. Different Reasons
  528. Dig [Linda Strawberry]
  529. Digging a Grave Intro
  530. Digital [Joy Division]
  531. Dig it Up
  532. Dignified and Old [Jonathan Richman]
  533. The Dirt
  534. Dirty Frank [Pearl Jam]
  535. Disarm
  536. Disco King  *
  537. Disconnected  *
  538. Distrbnce (After Sckhausen)
  539. Dive Deep
  540. Dizzle
  541. Dodged a Bullet
  542. A Dog's Prayer
  543. Doll
  544. Dolls are Haunted
  545. Doncha Wanna
  546. Done and Done
  547. Don is Gay Fade-Out Gtr
  548. Don't Be Sad [Whiskeytown]
  549. Don't Help Rube
  550. Don't Kill Roof
  551. Don't Let Me Down [Beatles]
  552. Don't Look Back
  553. Don't Wanna Be Your Lover  *
  554. Don't You Want Me [Human League]
  555. Doomsday Clock
  556. Doorstep  *
  557. Dorian
  558. Dose [Filter]
  559. Do They Know
  560. Double R
  561. Down, Down, Down
  562. Down I Am
  563. Down in a Hole [Alice in Chains]
  564. Down to the Core
  565. Do You Close Your Eyes
  566. Drain
  567. The Dream
  568. Dreaming [Blondie]
  569. The Dream Machine
  570. Dream Tonight
  571. Drive  *
  572. Dropping In
  573. Dross
  574. Drown
  575. Drowning in the Flowers
  576. Drug Deal
  577. Drum + Fife
  578. Dry Cleaning Bill
  579. Du Hast [Rammstein]
  580. Dulcería [AFI]
  581. Dulcet in E
  582. Dummy Tum Tummy
  583. Dust My Broom
  584. Dying [Hole]
  585. Earth Stood Still
  586. East
  587. Easter [Strand of Oaks]
  588. Easy
  589. Easy Livin' [Uriah Heep]
  590. E-Bow the Letter [REM]
  591. Edin
  592. E-drone E/C#/A
  593. Egg
  594. Eight Miles High [The Byrds]
  595. El-A-Noy
  596. El Born
  597. Elizabeth's Itinerary
  598. Ellis Bell
  599. Elsie
  600. El Sol
  601. Embracer
  602. Emerald Green Is the Colour
  603. Emergency Call
  604. Emotional Rescue [Rolling Stones]
  605. Empires
  606. Empty Houses
  607. The Empty Sea
  608. The End [Doors]
  609. The End Is the Beginning Is the End
  610. Endless Summer
  611. End of an Error
  612. The End of the World [Davis]
  613. Enter Sandman [Metallica]
  614. Entrance
  615. Envelope Woman
  616. Erstwhile
  617. Eruption [Van Halen]
  618. The Eternal E
  619. The Ethers Tragic
  620. Evenflow [Pearl Jam]
  621. Evergreen
  622. The Everlasting Gaze
  623. Everybody (Backstreet's Back) [Backstreet Boys]
  624. Everybody Come Clap Your Hands [Searchers]
  625. Every Day I Die [Numan]
  626. (Every Day Is) Halloween [Ministry]
  627. Every Morning
  628. Every Rose Has Its Thorn [Poison]
  629. Everything Is Beautiful [Ray Stevens]
  630. Everything Works If You Let It [Cheap Trick]
  631. Evil [Dixon]
  632. Excelsior
  633. Exodus [Marley]
  634. Explain That
  635. Expressions
  636. Externalize Blame
  637. Eye
  638. Eye in the Middle of a Room
  639. Face Among the Crowd
  640. Face the Monster
  641. Face Your Fears
  642. Fade on Violet
  643. Fade to Black [Metallica]
  644. Faeding
  645. Faithless Darlin
  646. Fakir
  647. Falling
  648. Fame [Bowie]
  649. Family Struggle
  650. Fancy Space People (Theme) [Fancy Space People]
  651. Fan Mail
  652. Fantastic Voyage [Coolio]
  653. Far Away Sun
  654. Farewell and Goodnight
  655. FA Stomp
  656. Fate the Lonely Actor
  657. Father's Eyes [The Blank Theory]
  658. Father's Grave
  659. Fat Man Blues
  660. Favors Add Up
  661. F'd Over Jesus
  662. Feelin' Alright [Cocker]
  663. Feeling Slow
  664. Feelium
  665. Feel Me
  666. Feel That Connection
  667. Feel the Funny
  668. Feliz Navidad [Feliciano]
  669. The Fellowship
  670. Felonies and Misdemeanors
  671. Femme Fatale [Velvet Underground]
  672. Fight Fire with Fire [Metallica]
  673. Figure This Out
  674. Finally a Real Model
  675. Final Touches
  676. Fire [Jimi Hendrix]
  677. Fire and Rain [Taylor]
  678. Fire Burn, Cauldron Bubble
  679. Fireflies
  680. Firepower
  681. Firestarter [Prodigy]
  682. Firewall  *
  683. First Curse
  684. First Day Wrap
  685. The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face [MacColl]
  686. The Fishes  *
  687. Fishing Blue  *
  688. Fitz Wears Makeup
  689. Fix Neon [Leo Imai]
  690. Fix On You
  691. Fix Whatever
  692. Flamboyant
  693. Flamenco Acid Trip
  694. Flashback
  695. Flashlight Tornado [Papa M]
  696. Flight of the Bumblebee [Rimsky-Korsakov]
  697. Flipper
  698. Floating
  699. Fly [Sugar Ray]
  700. Fly Away [Dharma]
  701. Fly by Night [Rush]
  702. Fly Girls
  703. Fly on my Junk
  704. Fly [Zipper Club]
  705. Focus On Me
  706. FOL
  707. Follow [Breaking Benjamin]
  708. Followed the Waves
  709. Follow the Map
  710. Follow You Down
  711. Foolproof
  712. Fools We Are  *
  713. For a Spanish Guitar [Clark]
  714. Force of Personality
  715. Foreplay [Boston]
  716. Forever Young [Dylan]
  717. Forget It [Breaking Benjamin]
  718. For God and Country
  719. For Martha
  720. Formosa
  721. For What It's Worth [Buffalo Springfield]
  722. For Whom the Bell Tolls [Metallica]
  723. For Your Love
  724. Found Each Other
  725. Four Leaf Clover [Catherine]
  726. Four Orgasms
  727. Four Winds Chime  *
  728. Foxey Lady [Hendrix]
  729. Fragile, The Spark
  730. Frail and Bedazzled
  731. Frantic Ab Groove
  732. Freak
  733. Fred [Tony Williams]
  734. Freebird [Lynyrd Skynyrd]
  735. Freedom Ain't What It Used to Be
  736. Freedom [Richie Havens]
  737. Freedom [Hendrix]
  738. Freedom Rider
  739. French Movie Theme
  740. Frère Jacques [traditional]
  741. Friday I'm In Love [The Cure]
  742. Fried
  743. Friends
  744. Friends as Lovers, Lovers as Friends
  745. Fucker
  746. Fuck Tha Police [NWA]
  747. Fuck You
  748. Full Blown Affair
  749. Full Sail
  750. Funkified
  751. Fun Time
  752. Future
  753. Future Husband
  754. Galapogos
  755. The Gambler [Schlitz]
  756. The Game of Love [Clint Ballard Jr.]
  757. Games Without Frontiers [Peter Gabriel]
  758. Geek U.S.A.
  759. Gemini
  760. General Hospital (BG Cues)
  761. Gentle Annie [Foster]
  762. Germans in Leather Pants
  763. Get Free [Vines]
  764. Get On With It [Arnold]
  765. Get Some
  766. Get This Party Started
  767. Ghost Amnesia
  768. Ghost at Art Gallery (remix)
  769. Ghost at the Gallery
  770. Ghost Behind My Back
  771. Ghost Drone
  772. Ghost Girl
  773. Ghost in the Mirror
  774. Ghosts in the Hospital
  775. Gift
  776. Gingger's Raga
  777. Gingger's Raga Return
  778. Girl I Never Loved
  779. Girl Named Sandoz [Animals]
  780. Girls Need a Stripper
  781. Girls to the Club
  782. The Girl with the Cruel Face
  783. The Girl with the Sad Face
  784. Give Peace a Chance [Lennon]
  785. Glamey Glamay  *
  786. Glasgow 3am
  787. Glass and the Ghost Children
  788. Glass' Theme
  789. Glimpses [Yardbirds]
  790. Glissandra
  791. Gloria [Them]
  792. Glorious
  793. G.L.O.W.
  794. Glynis
  795. Go
  796. God
  797. God of Thunder [KISS]
  798. God Save the Queen [Arne]
  799. God's Gonna Cut You Down
  800. God's Gonna Set This World on Fire
  801. Godzilla [Blue Öyster Cult]
  802. Goeth the Fall
  803. Going Down [Don Nix]
  804. Going the Distance [Zipper Club]
  805. Goldfish Down Subway
  806. The Gold Mask
  807. Goodbye (James Iha remix)
  808. The Good In Goodbye
  809. Good Lovin'
  810. Good Morning Good Morning [Beatles]
  811. Good News
  812. Good Night
  813. Goodnight [Zipper Club]
  814. Go Play Guns
  815. Gossamer
  816. Gotta Serve Somebody [Dylan]
  817. Got to Go (LA Song)
  818. Gourgeous Death [Vanessa & the O's]
  819. Grab the Mountain
  820. Grace
  821. Graceland [Simon]
  822. Grave Digging
  823. Graystone Was a Fraud
  824. Great Civilizations
  825. Greater Privilege
  826. Greatest Of All Time
  827. Great Idea
  828. Greta Garbo
  829. The Groover
  830. Grounds For Termination
  831. Grow
  832. Guitar Song 1
  833. The Guns of Love Disastrous
  834. Gwen Byers Theme
  835. H
  836. Hail Mary [traditional]
  837. Hairy Eyeball
  838. Half a Person [Smiths]
  839. Half-Life of an Autodidact
  840. Hallowed Vision
  841. Hands
  842. Hang On Sloopy [Farrell/Russell]
  843. Happy Birthday [Hill/Hill/Coleman]
  844. Happy Birthday [Altered Images]
  845. Happy Person
  846. Happy Sometimes
  847. A Hard Day's Night [Beatles]
  848. Hard Times
  849. Harmageddon
  850. Harmonio
  851. Haunted
  852. Haus of Putts
  853. Haus of Putts 3
  854. Haus of Putts 4 / Waiting for Jack
  855. Hava Nagila (הבה נגילה) [traditional]
  856. Have Faithe, Be Merrie
  857. Have Love Will Travel
  858. Head Start
  859. Heads Will Roll [Yeah Yeah Yeahs]
  860. Head Unbound
  861. Heal Me
  862. Heartbreaker [Led Zeppelin]
  863. Heart In My Hand
  864. Heart of Gold [Neil Young]
  865. Heartsong
  866. Heat
  867. Heaven
  868. Heaven Tonight [Cheap Trick]
  869. Heavy Metal Machine
  870. Helios  *
  871. Hell Bent for Hell
  872. Hello Darkness Video
  873. Hello, I Love You
  874. Hello Kitty Kat
  875. Help! [Beatles]
  876. Help Amber Find Mom
  877. Here I Am (Machina-era demo)
  878. Here I Am
  879. Here Is No Why
  880. Here's to the Atom Bomb
  881. Her Name
  882. Heroes [Bowie]
  883. He Saves Her
  884. Hey!
  885. (Untitled Song) "Hey Hey"
  886. Hey! What's Your Plan
  887. The Hidden Sun
  888. Higher Mind Bullshit
  889. ひいらぎ祭 (hiiragi matsuri - Holly Festival)
  890. Hikari Express  *
  891. Hike It Up
  892. Hippy Trippy  *
  893. History of Radness
  894. Hit So Hard [Hole]
  895. Hold On to Me
  896. Holiday
  897. Home
  898. Honestly
  899. Honesty
  900. Honeyspider
  901. Hooh
  902. Hooligan
  903. Hooray!
  904. Hooray, It's L.A.
  905. Hope
  906. Horus and the Pharaoh
  907. Hos Are Pros
  908. Hosp
  909. Hospital
  910. Hospital Bed Intro
  911. Hospital Bed Stomach
  912. Hot as Sinn
  913. Hot Dog Montage
  914. Hot Dog Tasting
  915. Hot For Teacher [Van Halen]
  916. 放課後 (houkago - After School)
  917. Houses on the Hill [Whiskeytown]
  918. How Dirty Girls Get Clean [Hole]
  919. How I've Loved You
  920. How Many More Times [Led Zeppelin]
  921. How Things Are Supposed To Be
  922. Hubble Bubble (Toil And Trouble) [Manfred Mann]
  923. Hub Cap
  924. Human Being
  925. Humility
  926. Hummer
  927. The Hunt
  928. The Hunted
  929. Huppy
  930. Huzzah!
  931. I
  932. I Am a Nightwalker
  933. I Am My End
  934. I Am One
  935. I Am One Pt. 2
  936. I Asked You
  937. I Can't Let Go [Annie]
  938. I Can't See You
  939. Identify
  940. Identify (Affectation)
  941. Identify (Dust)
  942. Identify (Peace)
  943. Idiot [Catherine]
  944. Idol
  945. I Don't Care [Ramones]
  946. I Don't Mind
  947. I Don't Mind [Buzzcocks]
  948. I Don't Really Want to Know
  949. I'd Rather Drink Muddy Water [Miller]
  950. I Enjoy Being a Girl [Rogers/Hammerstein]
  951. I Fall
  952. If All Goes Right
  953. If All Goes Wrong
  954. I Feel Love
  955. I Feel You [Depeche Mode]
  956. If I Had Possession over Judgment Day [Johnson]
  957. I Finish Business
  958. If I Were a Carpenter [Hardin]
  959. If Only in a Dream
  960. I Fought the Law [Curtis]
  961. If There Is a God
  962. If You Can't Say No (Flunky in the Attic Mix) [Kravitz]
  963. If You're Gone [Byrds]
  964. If You Want My Love [Cheap Trick]
  965. I Got Macbeth
  966. I Go To Pieces [Del Shannon]
  967. I Gotta Feeling [Black Eyed Peas]
  968. I Got You [Split Enz]
  969. I Got You (I Feel Good) [Brown]
  970. I Hate the Way You Walk
  971. I Held a Rose
  972. I Just Happen to Know
  973. I Just Wanna Make Love to You [Dixon]
  974. I Know My Time Is Coming Round
  975. I'll Be Anything You Want
  976. I'll Never Change
  977. I'll Take You There [Staple Singers]
  978. I Love Rock 'n' Roll [Arrows]
  979. I Love the Living You [Roky Erickson]
  980. I Love to Sing My Ballad, Mama [Andersen]
  981. I Love You
  982. I Love Your Sister
  983. I'm a Believer
  984. Imagineer [Madina Lake]
  985. I'm A King Bee [James Moore]
  986. (Untitled Song) "I'm Alone"
  987. I'm Doing the Best I Can
  988. I'm Eighteen [Cooper]
  989. I'm Free [Who]
  990. I'm Going Crazy
  991. I'm Great
  992. I'm into Something Good [Goffin/King]
  993. I Miss You
  994. Immigrant Song [Led Zeppelin]
  995. I'm One [The Who]
  996. I'm On Fire [Faithfull]
  997. The Imploding Voice
  998. Important Statement
  999. I'm Ready
  1000. I'm So Tired [Beatles]
  1001. I Must Be Dreaming [Vanessa & the O's]
  1002. I'm Waiting for the Man [Lou Reed]
  1003. In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida [Iron Butterfly]
  1004. Inbetween Days [Cure]
  1005. Incentive
  1006. Inchworm [Catherine]
  1007. Indecision
  1008. I Need I Want I Will
  1009. I Need You Around  *
  1010. Infinite Sadness
  1011. Ingratiate Yourself
  1012. Inhibitor
  1013. Inkless
  1014. In Lieu Of Failure
  1015. In My Body
  1016. The Innocents  *
  1017. Innosence
  1018. In Search of Peace of Mind [Scorpions]
  1019. Inspires Me
  1020. Integrity
  1021. Intergalactic
  1022. Internalize It
  1023. Interrupt The Flow
  1024. In the Arms of Sheep
  1025. In the Arms of Sleep
  1026. In the Street (That '90s Show opening)
  1027. In the Summertime [Mungo Jerry]
  1028. In the Sun [Arthur]
  1029. Into Happiness [Phantogram]
  1030. Into the Light
  1031. Intro
  1032. Intro Workshop
  1033. Invincible
  1034. I of the Mourning
  1035. I Only Play 4 Money [Frogs]
  1036. I Pray for More
  1037. Iron Man [Black Sabbath]
  1038. I Said
  1039. Is Alex Milton
  1040. Is Back
  1041. I See It
  1042. Ishla Ba Dreb
  1043. Isis Speaks
  1044. Isolation [Joy Division]
  1045. Is the Ghost Hot
  1046. It Never Rains in Southern California [Hammond/Hazlewood]
  1047. It's A Long Way To The Top (If You Wanna Rock 'n Roll) [AC/DC]
  1048. It's Alright
  1049. It's a Song I Sing  *
  1050. It's Implied
  1051. It's Only My Life
  1052. I've Been Working [Van Morrison]
  1053. I've Been Working on the Railroad [traditional]
  1054. I've Got a Feeling [Beatles]
  1055. I've Got a Flair [Fountains of Wayne]
  1056. I've Got Levitation [13th Floor Elevators]
  1057. I Wanna Be Your Dog [Stooges]
  1058. I Want a Divorce
  1059. I Want Candy [Strangeloves]
  1060. I Want You [Troggs]
  1061. I Want You
  1062. I Want You to Want Me [Cheap Trick]
  1063. The Jack [AC/DC]
  1064. Jackboot
  1065. Jack Confronts Judd
  1066. Jackie Blue [Ozark Mtn Daredevils]
  1067. Jailhouse Rock [Presley]
  1068. Jake
  1069. Jam 13
  1070. James Complex Song  *
  1071. Jane In Swamp
  1072. Jane Says [Jane's Addiction]
  1073. J'Attends Lou [Vanessa & the O's]
  1074. Jazzin'
  1075. Jealousy
  1076. The Jean Genie [Bowie]
  1077. Jeepster [T. Rex]
  1078. Jellybelly (old version)
  1079. Jellybelly
  1080. Jennifer Ever
  1081. Jeremy [Pearl Jam]
  1082. Jeremy Goldberg's Dad Died
  1083. Jersey Shore
  1084. Jesus, I
  1085. Jesus Is the Sun
  1086. Jesus Loves His Babies
  1087. Jesus Needs a Hit
  1088. Jimmy James
  1089. Jingle Bells [James Pierpoint]
  1090. Jockey for Position
  1091. Johanna [Iggy Pop/James Williamson]
  1092. Join Together [The Who]
  1093. The Joker [Steve Miller]
  1094. Jokers
  1095. Joy
  1096. Jubilee
  1097. Judy is a Punk [Ramones]
  1098. Julep Killed Brianne
  1099. Julep Poisoned Hubby
  1100. Julep's Back
  1101. Julia [Beatles]
  1102. Julie Calls Professor Frat House
  1103. Jumpin' Jack Flash [Rolling Stones]
  1104. Jump or Fall
  1105. Junké
  1106. Junkie See
  1107. Jupiter's Lament
  1108. Jurassitol [Filter]
  1109. Just Another Actress
  1110. Just A Song Before I Go [Crosby, Stills & Nash]
  1111. Just a Thought
  1112. Just Between  *
  1113. Just Got Back [Cheap Trick]
  1114. Just One Victory [telephones]
  1115. Just to See My Holly Home [Bonnie 'Prince' Billy]
  1116. Karma
  1117. Kashmir [Led Zeppelin]
  1118. Kateri Marie
  1119. 風に吹かれて (kaze ni fukarete - Blown by the Wind)
  1120. 恵と響子と望 (kei to kyouko to nozomi - Kei, Kyoko and Nozomi)
  1121. The Key
  1122. The Kids Are Coming (To Take You Down) [Third Eye Blind]
  1123. Killing in the Name [RAtM]
  1124. Killing Me [The Blank Theory]
  1125. Killing Me Softly [Flack]
  1126. The Killing Moon [Echo and the Bunnymen]
  1127. Kill Plan
  1128. Kill This Movie
  1129. Kind of a Girl
  1130. Kiss All the Stars
  1131. Kiss the Slap Kick [Zipper Club]
  1132. Kitty Kat  *
  1133. Knew You'd Walk Away
  1134. Knife Fight
  1135. Knights of Malta
  1136. Knocking Over Needle Tray
  1137. Knockin' on Heaven's Door [Dylan]
  1138. Know You'd Walk
  1139. Knuckles
  1140. Kooks [Bowie]
  1141. KTRK News at 10:00pm (BG Cues)
  1142. Kyle Loved
  1143. Kyle Piano
  1144. Kyle Proposal
  1145. Kyle Texts
  1146. La Dolly Vita
  1147. Lady Marmalade [Crewe/Nolan]
  1148. La Grange [ZZ Top]
  1149. Landslide [Nicks]
  1150. The Last Hard Men
  1151. Last Instrumental
  1152. The Last Song
  1153. Last Stand In Anger
  1154. Last Summer
  1155. Last Time I Saw Her (remix)
  1156. Last Warning
  1157. Laugh
  1158. Lay Down Your Arms
  1159. Lead Horse
  1160. Leah and Pearl in the Woods
  1161. Leah Receives Ring
  1162. Leaves [Miguel]
  1163. The Leaving Lament
  1164. Leaving the House
  1165. Le Deux Machina
  1166. Let Her Go
  1167. Let it Fade
  1168. Let Me Give the World to You
  1169. Let Me Out [The Knack]
  1170. Let's Dance [Bowie]
  1171. Let There Be Rock [AC/DC]
  1172. Let You In
  1173. Let Your Lazer Love Light Shine Down
  1174. Lick It Up [KISS]
  1175. Lie I Lie
  1176. Life After Sports
  1177. Life and Death
  1178. Life Begins Again
  1179. Life Is Grand
  1180. Light It Up [Third Eye Blind]
  1181. Lightning Is My Girl
  1182. Lightning Strikes
  1183. Like a Hurricane [Neil Young]
  1184. Like Lambs
  1185. Like to Get to Know You [Scharf]
  1186. Li'l Red Riding Hood [Blackwell]
  1187. Lily (My One and Only)
  1188. Limelight [Rush]
  1189. Lips [Zipper Club]
  1190. Lips Like Sugar [Echo and the Bunnymen]
  1191. Listening to Us
  1192. Little Child [Beatles]
  1193. Little Ditty
  1194. Little New Moon [Dreamers]
  1195. Little Wing [Hendrix]
  1196. Living After Midnight [Judas Priest]
  1197. Lizard Blues
  1198. Lizards
  1199. Loan From a Friend
  1. Lock Me Up
  2. Loki Cat
  3. Loki Cat Reprise
  4. Lolly
  5. Lonely Is the Name
  6. Lonely Saints
  7. Lonesome Day Blues [Blind Willie McTell]
  8. Long Ago-Go
  9. Long Gone Lonesome Blues [Hank Williams]
  10. The Long Goodbye
  11. Long Haired Lady [Quicksilver Messenger Service]
  12. The Long Road [Pearl Jam]
  13. Long Walk
  14. Looking For Words
  15. Lookout
  16. Lookout Loretta
  17. Look Through My Window [The Mamas & the Papas]
  18. Lord Grunge [Frogs]
  19. Loser Dust [Hole]
  20. Lost All Control
  21. Lost Highway [Payne]
  22. Lost in the Woods [Taproot]
  23. Lost in You
  24. Lo the Rose Cease to Bloom [Papa M]
  25. Louie Louie [Richard Berry]
  26. Love (pre-Gish demo)
  27. Love
  28. Love Addicted Groupie
  29. Lovefool [Cardigans]
  30. Love Gun [KISS]
  31. Love Is a Battlefield [Knight/Chapman]
  32. Love Is Real
  33. Love Is the Sweetest Thing [Ray Noble]
  34. Love Is Tough
  35. Love Lies in Ruin
  36. Love Me Now [Phantogram]
  37. Love Me Two Times [Doors]
  38. Lover
  39. Lover, Lover
  40. A Love Supreme Part 1
  41. Love This Game
  42. Love to Love [UFO]
  43. Love to Love You
  44. Love Will Tear Us Apart [Joy Division]
  45. Loving You Sunday Morning [Scorpions]
  46. Lucifer Sam [Pink Floyd]
  47. Lucky 13
  48. Lucky Lad
  49. Lullabye
  50. Luna
  51. Lyric
  52. M3
  53. M4
  54. M5
  55. M6
  56. M7
  57. M8
  58. M9
  59. M15
  60. 眩い午後 (mabayui gogo - Dazzling Afternoon)
  61. Ma Belle
  62. Machina
  63. Machine Gun [Hendrix]
  64. Mad Mans Dreams
  65. Magdalena
  66. Magick Moon
  67. Magik, Magik (Everywhere)
  68. Magna Mellow
  69. Magnetic Happiness
  70. Majestic
  71. Make Believe
  72. Make It Better
  73. Make It Fungus
  74. Make It Happen
  75. Makes Me Feel Safe
  76. Making Progress
  77. Malibu [Hole]
  78. Mama
  79. Mandarynne
  80. Mandocello [Cheap Trick]
  81. Mannequins Look
  82. Mao Say Tongue #1
  83. Mao Say Tongue #2
  84. The March Hare
  85. Marchin' On
  86. Marquis in Spades
  87. Marriage Counselor
  88. Martinets
  89. MaryQ
  90. Mary Star of the Sea
  91. Mastery + Conjecture
  92. Maybe Should I
  93. Mayonaise
  94. Medellia of the Gray Skies
  95. Medieval Song [Vanessa & the O's]
  96. Mediums Different Worlds
  97. Meet Daniel
  98. Meeting Alice
  99. Meet Me in the City [Kimbrough]
  100. Meet Me On the Dark Side
  101. Meet the Don
  102. Megan Apologizes
  103. Megan Distracted
  104. Megan Escapes
  105. Megan Wakes
  106. Meladori Magpie
  107. Melissa [Allman Bros]
  108. Mellon Collie  *
  109. Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness
  110. Mellow Yellow [Donovan]
  111. Meltdowns on Set
  112. Me Plus One (James Iha remix)
  113. The Mercury Tree  *
  114. Me Rock You Snow
  115. The Message [Grandmaster Flash]
  116. Messing With My Head
  117. Mess With a Pro
  118. Methusela
  119. Microwave [Fulflej]
  120. Midnight Sun [Ivy]
  121. Millieu
  122. A Million Times
  123. Mina Loy (M.O.H.)
  124. Minerva
  125. Mini
  126. Miss World [Hole]
  127. Mistakes Like These (James Iha remix)
  128. Mistreated [Deep Purple]
  129. Misty Mountain Hop [Led Zeppelin]
  130. Moby Dick [Led Zeppelin]
  131. Moleasskiss
  132. Mom Died
  133. Mom Theme
  134. Money (That's What I Want) [Strong]
  135. Money [Pink Floyd]
  136. Monster Mash [Pickett/Capizzi]
  137. Monuments
  138. Moonkids
  139. Moon River [Mercer/Mancini]
  140. Moralityclause
  141. More Counseling
  142. More Ice Tea
  143. More Than a Feeling [Boston]
  144. Morning Dew [Dobson]
  145. Morning Jam
  146. Morning Star
  147. Moss
  148. The Most Powerful Man in the World
  149. Mother  *
  150. Mother, May I Sleep With Danger? (End Credits)
  151. Mother, May I Sleep With Danger? (Opening)
  152. Mountain Song [Jane's Addiction]
  153. Mouths of Babes
  154. Movers and Shakirs
  155. Movies
  156. Mr. Mayor
  157. Mr. Roboto [Styx]
  158. Mr. Whibbles Chaos
  159. MSNBC Investigates (BG Cues)
  160. Mucho Benny
  161. Mullet with Butterfly Wings [Neil Cicierega]
  162. Murder Mix
  163. Murnau
  164. Murphy
  165. Must I Really Love You
  166. Muzzle
  167. My Advice
  168. My Blue Heaven [Whiting/Donaldson]
  169. My Body
  170. My Business Is
  171. My Dahlia
  172. My Dream
  173. My Eternity
  174. My Foggy Notion
  175. My Grandfather
  176. My Life and Times
  177. My Love Is Winter
  178. My Mistake
  179. My Poor Troubled Heart [traditional]
  180. My Secret
  181. My Way [Sinatra]
  182. NBC Gravity Games (BG Cues)
  183. Necklace
  184. Necromance
  185. Need  *
  186. Need to Make Money for Date
  187. Negotiation in Hospital
  188. Neophyte
  189. Neptulius
  190. Nero Riff-O  *
  191. Never Ever
  192. Never Give Up
  193. Never Know
  194. Never Let Me Down Again [Depeche Mode]
  195. Never Let You Go [Third Eye Blind]
  196. Neverlost
  197. Never My Love [The Association]
  198. Never Say Never [Romeo Void]
  199. Never Too Young
  200. New Arrangement
  201. New Car
  202. New Cassette
  203. New Dawn Fades [Joy Division]
  204. A New Day Yesterday [Jethro Tull]
  205. Newerwaves
  206. A New Poetry
  207. New Room [Chavez]
  208. Newspaper Booth
  209. Newstand
  210. New Wave A to G
  211. New Wave Echo  *
  212. New Waver
  213. New Years Day
  214. The Next Right Moment
  215. Night Boat [Duran Duran]
  216. Night Drive
  217. A Night Like This [Cure]
  218. Night Moves [Seger]
  219. Nightwaves
  220. No Answer
  221. Nobody Actress
  222. Nobody 'Cept You [Dylan]
  223. Nobody Waitress
  224. No Disaster
  225. No Escape  *
  226. No Love Lost [Joy Division]
  227. Nomi
  228. No No Go
  229. No One Can Tell
  230. No One Knows
  231. No One's Gonna Hurt You
  232. No One Sleeps When I'm Awake [The Sounds]
  233. Northwest Passage [Papa M]
  234. Norwegian Wood [Beatles]
  235. No Sex
  236. No Surrender
  237. Not a Good Man
  238. Not Another Daydream
  239. Not Authentic
  240. Not Authorized
  241. Not From Here [Arnold]
  242. Nothing and Everything
  243. Nothing's Ever Easy
  244. Nothing To Me
  245. Not in the mood
  246. Not My Girlfriend
  247. Not That Simple
  248. Not With Me
  249. Not Worth Asking
  250. Now (And Then)
  251. Nowhere Man [Beatles]
  252. Now That I Feel
  253. Now That I Feel Better
  254. Numan
  255. Numb [U2]
  256. The Number of the Beast [Iron Maiden]
  257. NY Hotel [Vanessa & the O's]
  258. Obscured
  259. Oceania
  260. Ode to Joy [Beethoven]
  261. Of a Broken Heart
  262. Offer Up
  263. Off to Meet Mr. Kelly
  264. Of Sine Waves
  265. Of Square Waves
  266. Of Wings
  267. Oh My Fuckin Head
  268. Oh, My Love
  269. Oh! Sweet Nuthin' [Velvet Underground]
  270. Ol' 55 [Tom Waits]
  271. Old Dan Tucker [Emmett]
  272. The Old Friends Cottage
  273. The Old Revolution [Leonard Cohen]
  274. Old Town Road [Lil Nas X]
  275. The Omen
  276. On Arsenio
  277. Once in a Lifetime [Talking Heads]
  278. Once in a While
  279. Once Upon a Time
  280. The One
  281. One and All
  282. One and Two
  283. One By One
  284. One Diamond, One Heart
  285. The One I Love [R.E.M.]
  286. One Less Moment  *
  287. Only Wanna Be with You [Hootie & the Blowfish]
  288. On My Own  *
  289. On the Case
  290. On the Loose
  291. On the Meaning of Loss
  292. On the Road Again [Canned Heat]
  293. On Yesterday
  294. Opal
  295. Opening
  296. オープニングタイトル (Opening Title)
  297. Open Up
  298. Orah
  299. Original Version
  300. O Rio
  301. Orpheus Descending
  302. The Other Night
  303. The Other Side  *
  304. Oui Henri
  305. Our Lady Sorrows
  306. Out of Focus [Blue Cheer]
  307. Out Of Our Minds
  308. Out of the Blue [Roxy Music]
  309. Outro
  310. Outshined [Soundgarden]
  311. Overjoyed
  312. Overpower Thee
  313. Over the Hills and Far Away [Led Zeppelin]
  314. Over the Rainbow [Harburg/Arlen]
  315. Over You
  316. Ovulating Now
  317. Owata
  318. Owed to Darryl
  319. Pac and Roofie Out to Eat
  320. Pac at Subway
  321. Pac at the Newstand
  322. Pac Bites It
  323. Pac Dominates
  324. Pac Empties the Bag
  325. Pacer
  326. Pac Gets a Boner
  327. Pac Gets Seduced
  328. Pac Has Sex
  329. Pacific Coast Highway [Hole]
  330. Pac Investigating
  331. Pacman Meets Goochi
  332. Pacman Meets the Swedes
  333. Pac Meets Julep
  334. Pac Meets the Blob
  335. Pac Misses Camo
  336. Pac Recording
  337. Pac's a Catch
  338. Pac Sees the Monster
  339. Pac's Getting Wiki
  340. Pac Sue East River
  341. Pac Talks to Mr. Kelly
  342. Pac Talks to Receptionist
  343. Pac Talks to Spirits
  344. Pac Threatens Ghost
  345. Pac Wants to Get High
  346. Pac Will Help Hubs
  347. Pain
  348. Pajamas
  349. Pale Horse
  350. Pale Scales
  351. Palidrome
  352. Panama [Van Halen]
  353. Panopticon
  354. Paper & Gun
  355. The Parable
  356. The Parade of Helios
  357. Parades + Lullabies of...  *
  358. Paranoia  *
  359. Paranoid [Black Sabbath]
  360. Pass
  361. Passion to Despise
  362. Pastichio Medley
  363. Pastichio Medley (reversed extras)  *
  364. Past Midnight
  365. Pathetique
  366. Patient Eye (James Iha remix)
  367. Peace+Love
  368. Peace and Love and All That Other Shit  *
  369. Peace of Mind [Boston]
  370. Peach [WPC/Sierra Swan]
  371. Pelican
  372. Pennies
  373. Penny Saver
  374. Pentagrams
  375. Pentecost
  376. People Have the Power [Patti Smith]
  377. People We Know
  378. Perfect
  379. Perfect Girlfriend
  380. Permanence
  381. Petals [Hole]
  382. Phang
  383. Phone Sex
  384. Phreak
  385. Piano
  386. Picture in a Frame [Tom Waits]
  387. Pictures of Phillip
  388. Piece of Me [Bloodshy & Avant/Åhlund]
  389. Pigs [We Are Pigs]
  390. Pinda
  391. Pinwheels
  392. Pissant
  393. Plastic Fantastic Lover [Jefferson Airplane]
  394. Plastic Guy
  395. Play in the Clouds
  396. Pleather
  397. Plume
  398. Plus Rien [Vanessa & the O's]
  399. Poisoned
  400. Pomp and Circumstances
  401. Pony Express
  402. Poor Boy [Howlin' Wolf]
  403. Pop Pop
  404. Porcelina of the Vast Oceans
  405. Porkbelly
  406. Porn Saved My Life
  407. Poster Out
  408. Pot Chocolates
  409. Pox
  410. Prairie Song
  411. Prana
  412. Prayer Music
  413. Presence of the Lord [Clapton]
  414. Pretty Blue
  415. Pretty Boy
  416. Pretty, pretty STAR
  417. Pretty Shitty [Ex Cops]
  418. Previously On
  419. The Price to Pay [Takahashi]
  420. Pride (In the Name of Love) [U2]
  421. Process
  422. The Processional
  423. Promise
  424. Promise [Taproot]
  425. Promise Me
  426. Proto-Cosmos [Tony Williams]
  427. P.S.A.
  428. Psalm 131
  429. Psalm for John
  430. Psychodelic
  431. Pug
  432. Pulseczar
  433. Punch Me Out [Catherine]
  434. Punk Migration [Peals]
  435. Purge
  436. Purple Blood
  437. Purple Haze [Hendrix]
  438. Purr Snickety
  439. Pursuance and Persistence
  440. Pushin' Too Hard [The Seeds]
  441. Push the Domino
  442. Quasar
  443. Queen of the Meadow
  444. Question Mark
  445. Quick, Painless & Easy
  446. Quiet
  447. Rachel
  448. Radio
  449. The Rage [Kid Cudi]
  450. Rain [Breaking Benjamin]
  451. Raindrops + Sunshowers
  452. Rain in the Summertime [The Alarm]
  453. Rains in New York
  454. Ramona
  455. Random Thought
  456. Raped [Frogs]
  457. Rats
  458. The Rattler  *
  459. Ravi Revi Roo
  460. Razor
  461. Ready to Rehearse
  462. Real Adventure
  463. Real A Lie
  464. Real Friends
  465. Real Love
  466. Real News
  467. Real Story
  468. Real Words
  469. Reasons to Shine
  470. Rebel Rebel [Bowie]
  471. Receive My Signal
  472. Red Dirt
  473. Red Eye
  474. Red House
  475. Reflect (Clouds)
  476. Reflect (Devotion)
  477. Reflect (Gray)
  478. Reflection/Possession
  479. Reflect (Pause)
  480. Reflect (Pretty)
  481. Reflect (Purity)
  482. Reflect (Time)
  483. Rehang Painting
  484. Relaxed
  485. Remember Buddy
  486. Repetition
  487. Reptile [The Church]
  488. Resolution of Purpose
  489. Revolve
  490. Rewrite History
  491. Rhinoceros
  492. Ride a Black Swan
  493. Ride On  *
  494. Rider
  495. Rider of Steel [Vanessa & the O's]
  496. Riders on the Storm [Doors]
  497. Rigamarole
  498. Right Back
  499. Right Direction
  500. Right Out the Door
  501. Right Place Right Time
  502. Right to Refuse
  503. Right with You
  504. Rigles
  505. Ring Of The Shadow
  506. Rings
  507. Ring the Bells
  508. Riot [The Sounds]
  509. Rise and Fall of Passion Cathedral
  510. The Rite of Spring
  511. Rivers We Can't Cross
  512. Riverview
  513. The Road Is Long
  514. Robo Sleep
  515. Robot Lover
  516. Robot Man [Scorpions]
  517. Roccasins
  518. Rock and Roll Part 1 [Glitter]
  519. Rocket
  520. Rock Me
  521. Rock 'n' Roll With Me [Bowie]
  522. Rock On [Essex]
  523. Rockstar
  524. Rock You Like a Hurricane [Scorpions]
  525. Roctopus
  526. Roll the Tape
  527. Roma Girl
  528. Romantique
  529. Roof and Pac on the Steps
  530. Roof Bought a House
  531. Roof Feels Violated
  532. Roof Has an Idea
  533. Roofie in Changing Room
  534. Roofie Pac At Mayor's Lobby
  535. Roofie Pretends He's Not Scared
  536. Roofie's Apartment
  537. Roofie's Apartment Loan From a Friend
  538. Roofies Pad
  539. Roofie Taxi
  540. Roofie Wiki
  541. Ropey Lopey  *
  542. Rory's Dead
  543. Rory Story
  544. Rory Theme
  545. The Rose March
  546. Rotten Apples
  547. 蝋燭を灯して (Rousoku wo tomoshite)
  548. Roustabout
  549. Roxy
  550. Rubberman
  551. Rube Neglected
  552. Rube's Apartment
  553. Rube's Machine
  554. Rube Was Our Grandfather
  555. Rube Will Pay
  556. Ruby Tuesday [Rolling Stones]
  557. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer [traditional]
  558. Rules to the Bad Games
  559. Runaway
  560. Run, Shaker Life [Bates/Havens]
  561. Run2Me
  562. Sabbra Cadabra [Black Sabbath]
  563. The Sacred and Profane
  564. Sacred and Profane [Berlin]
  565. Sacrifice
  566. Sad Peter Pan [Chesnutt]
  567. Sad Reasons
  568. Safe With Me
  569. Saffron
  570. ...Said Sadly
  571. Salt
  572. Salt of the Earth [Rolling Stones]
  573. Samantha [Hole]
  574. Samurai Mike  *
  575. San Antonio Rose [Wills]
  576. San Francisco [McKenzie]
  577. Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town [Coots/Gillespie]
  578. Satan's in the Manger
  579. Satellites
  580. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction [Rolling Stones]
  581. Saturday Morning
  582. Saturnine
  583. Save Me
  584. Save Your Tears
  585. Savior [Presley]
  586. Say Goodbye
  587. Sayonara
  588. Say Yes
  589. Say Yes to Michigan [tourism jingle]
  590. Scary Neurotic Song
  591. Scatterbrain [Beck]
  592. Schaudenfreud
  593. School's Out [Cooper]
  594. School Yard
  595. Sclabble
  596. Scotty Looking
  597. Screaming
  598. Script Read
  599. Seam  *
  600. Sea of Suspects
  601. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band [Beatles]
  602. Season in the Sun [Tube]
  603. Season of the Witch [Donovan]
  604. Seatbacks and Traytables [Fountains of Wayne]
  605. Se Bantz Oosheye
  606. Second Take
  607. Secret Room
  608. Seek and You Shall Destroy
  609. See Some Dick
  610. See the Sun
  611. Selluloid
  612. Serpentine
  613. Serrated
  614. Service
  615. Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun [Pink Floyd]
  616. Set the Ray to Jerry
  617. Settle Down
  618. Sex Type Thing [Stone Temple Pilots]
  619. Shades of Doom  *
  620. Shadow
  621. Shadowland
  622. Shakey Chase Scene
  623. Shakey Departs
  624. Shakey Gets Goochi
  625. Shakey Gets Scared
  626. Shakey Hands Unfinished Biz
  627. Shakey to the Rescue
  628. Shakin'
  629. Shamay  *
  630. Shame
  631. Shangra-La
  632. She
  633. Shells [Fulflej]
  634. She Loves You [Beatles]
  635. Sheriff Act
  636. She Says
  637. Shiloh
  638. Shine [Collective Soul]
  639. Shine Your Light
  640. The Shining Path
  641. Ship of Fools [Cale]
  642. Shitty Feelings
  643. Short Everywhere
  644. Siamese Dream
  645. Sicarus
  646. Sick Freak
  647. Siddhartha
  648. Sighommi
  649. The Sign [Ace of Base]
  650. Signal This Strong
  651. Signal to Noise
  652. Signs
  653. Silly Sally
  654. Silver Bells [Livingston/Evans]
  655. Silverfuck
  656. Silver String
  657. Silvery Sometimes (Ghosts)
  658. Simmatar
  659. Sinfony
  660. Singapore  *
  661. Sing for All You Squander  *
  662. Single Greatest Thing
  663. Sinner [Judas Priest]
  664. Sitar Sting
  665. Sittin' On Top Of The World [traditional]
  666. Situation
  667. Siva
  668. Skin Receiver
  669. スカート (Skirt)
  670. The Sky Is Crying [Elmore James]
  671. Sky of Blue
  672. Sleep
  673. Sleeping Giant
  674. Slinkeepie
  675. Sloth
  676. Slow Dawn
  677. Slow Song  *
  678. Slunk
  679. Slurpee
  680. Slurry
  681. Smell of Sweat
  682. Smells Like Teen Spirit [Nirvana]
  683. Smiley
  684. Smoke Alarm
  685. Smoke on the Water [Deep Purple]
  686. Smooth [Thomas/Santana]
  687. Snail
  688. Snap
  689. Snare
  690. Snowblind [Black Sabbath]
  691. Softly
  692. Sojourner
  693. Solace and Serenity
  694. Solara
  695. Soma
  696. Some Kind of Wonderful [Grand Funk Railroad]
  697. Something [Beatles]
  698. Something In Mind
  699. Something in the Air [Thunderclap Newman]
  700. Something in the Air [Takahashi]
  701. Something Is Calling [Vanessa & the O's]
  702. Something Powerful in the Tunnel
  703. Sona
  704. A Song for a Son
  705. Song for Jonathan
  706. Song for Judy
  707. ソンの夢 (son no yume - Son's Dream)
  708. Sookie Sookie [Don Covay]
  709. Soot and Stars
  710. Soothe
  711. Sorrow
  712. Sorrows (in blue)
  713. So So Pretty
  714. Soul Power [James Brown]
  715. Sound of Love
  716. The Sounds of Silence [Simon]
  717. So Very Sad About Us
  718. Space Age
  719. Space Age Love Song [A Flock of Seagulls]
  720. Spaceboy
  721. Spaced
  722. Space Jam
  723. Space Oddity [Bowie]
  724. Spacer
  725. Spaghetti Murphy
  726. Spangled
  727. The Spaniards
  728. Sparrow
  729. Spazmatazz
  730. Special K  *
  731. Special Winner's Song
  732. Specific Fantasy
  733. Speed
  734. Speed Kills
  735. Speed of Love
  736. The Speed of Pain [Marilyn Manson]
  737. Speed Racer
  738. Spellbinding
  739. Spider Love
  740. Spiders
  741. Spike Driver
  742. Spilled Milk
  743. Spin Job
  744. Spinning Like a Top
  745. Spirit in the Sky [Greenbaum]
  746. Spiteface
  747. Spitfire
  748. Splish Splash [Darin]
  749. Springtimes
  750. The Spy Tra La
  751. Squirrels with Tails
  752. Stabbed 47 Times
  753. Stabbed in the Back
  754. Stained Glass Window
  755. Stairway to Heaven [Led Zeppelin]
  756. Stand [Vanessa & the O's]
  757. Stand Inside Your Love
  758. Starboy [Frogs]
  759. Stargirl [Frogs]
  760. Starla
  761. Starrcraft
  762. Stars Fall In
  763. Star Song
  764. The Star-Spangled Banner [Smith/Key]
  765. Start Me Up [Rolling Stones]
  766. Starz
  767. Status Reports
  768. Stay [Lisa Loeb]
  769. Stay Away (From Me)
  770. Staying With Him
  771. Stay Lost
  772. Stay [U2]
  773. Stay With Me [Faces]
  774. Steak Knively
  775. Stella Polaris  *
  776. Stellar
  777. Stephen [Gene Loves Jezebel]
  778. Steps In Time
  779. Stigmata
  780. Stigmata (BG Cues)
  781. Stigmata End Title Theme
  782. Stigmata Film Incidental Music
  783. Still Here
  784. Still Here
  785. Still Sleeping
  786. A Stitch in Time
  787. Stone by the Sea
  788. Stonehenge [Spinal Tap]
  789. STP
  790. Straight Ab  *
  791. Strangehold [Ted Nugent]
  792. Stray Cat Blues [Rolling Stones]
  793. Strayz
  794. Streetcrawler
  795. Street Fighting Man [Rolling Stones]
  796. Streetlight
  797. The Streets Are Hot Tonite
  798. Strength In Numbers
  799. A String Of Words
  800. Strolling  *
  801. Stumbleine
  802. Subway Ghosts
  803. Subway Out
  804. Subway (Overlay)
  805. Sue Saves Pac
  806. Sue's Body Parts
  807. Sue the Ghost
  808. Suffer
  809. Suffragette City [Bowie]
  810. Sugar
  811. Suicide Blonde [INXS]
  812. Suicide Kiss  *
  813. Summer
  814. Summer Days
  815. Summer Rain [Rivers]
  816. Summertime [Gershwin/Heyward]
  817. Sun
  818. Sunday Bloody Sunday [U2]
  819. Sunkissed
  820. Sunset Marquis [Hole]
  821. Sunshine of Your Love [Cream]
  822. Superchrist
  823. Superman [Zipper Club]
  824. Supernaut [Black Sabbath]
  825. Surprise Symphony [Haydn]
  826. Surrender [Cheap Trick]
  827. Suspension Bridge
  828. Suspiria [Goblin]
  829. Sustain
  830. Swallowed [Bush]
  831. Sweet Home Alabama [Lynyrd Skynyrd]
  832. Sweet Leaf [Black Sabbath]
  833. Sweet Sweet
  834. Sweet Troubled Soul (James Iha/Geoff Sanoff Extended Mix)
  835. Sword From the Stone
  836. Symphony No. 5 in C Minor [Beethoven]
  837. Synogogue
  838. Synogogue Out
  839. Tag Sale
  840. 大切な時間 (taisetsu na jkikan - Important Time)
  841. Take a Walk
  842. Take Care
  843. Take Five [Dave Brubeck Quartet]
  844. Take Me Back
  845. Take Me Down
  846. Take Me Out to the Ball Game [Von Tilzer/Norworth]
  847. Take Me There
  848. The Tale of Dusty and Pistol Pete
  849. Tales of a Scorched Earth
  850. Talking in Your Sleep [Romantics]
  851. Talking to Mannequin
  852. Tallulah Lu
  853. Tamagachi in Hospital
  854. Tamagachi in Hospital Outro
  855. Tamagachi Returns
  856. Tapeworm Fight
  857. Tarantula
  858. Taste You
  859. Taxi
  860. Taxman [Beatles]
  861. TBL
  862. Tear
  863. Teargarden Theme
  864. Tears
  865. Teenage Lobotomy [Ramones]
  866. Teen Angel [Dinning]
  867. Teeth
  868. Telegenix
  869. Telegram Sam [T. Rex]
  870. Telling You Now
  871. Tequila [The Champs]
  872. Terrapin [Syd Barrett]
  873. Terrence Reaches Out
  874. Tess Don't Tell [Ivy]
  875. That '90s Show (End Credits)
  876. That's Alright (It Will Be Alright)
  877. That's the Way (My Love Is)
  878. That Very Night
  879. That Which Animates the Spirit
  880. Theme For 9 Planets
  881. There Is a Time [The Dillards]
  882. There It Goes
  883. There's No Business Like Show Business [Irving Berlin]
  884. There's No Me...Without You [Campbell]
  885. There's No Other (Like My Baby) [Spector/Bates]
  886. These Arms of Mine [Otis Redding]
  887. They Didn't Even Say Goodbye
  888. Think You Know
  889. Third Day of a Seven Day Binge [Manson]
  890. Thirty-three
  891. This Script
  892. This Time
  893. This Wheel's on Fire [The Band]
  894. This Would Be Paradise
  895. Thoughts of Days Long Past
  896. Three Lock Box [Hagar]
  897. Thru the Eyes of Ruby
  898. Thunderbolt
  899. Thunderstruck [AC/DC]
  900. Thursday's Child [Campbell]
  901. Tiberius
  902. Tibetan Party
  903. Tightrope Situation
  904. Till Next Tuesday
  905. Tilt
  906. Time After Time (AnnElise) [R.E.M.]
  907. Time Don't Need Me at All
  908. The Time Has Come [Briggs]
  909. Time Has Come Today [Chambers Brothers]
  910. Time Shift
  911. Times Square Intro
  912. Times Square Out
  913. Time To Go
  914. Tired of Killing
  915. Titans [Fancy Space People]
  916. Today
  917. To Forgive
  918. To Hell & Back Again [Campbell/Lagegan]
  919. To Love Somebody [Bee Gees]
  920. To Love You
  921. Tomorrow Is Today
  922. Tom Tom
  923. Tonight (Come Home to Me)
  924. Tonight I'll Be Staying Here With You [Dylan]
  925. Tonight I Think I'm Gonna Go Downtown [Gilmore/Reed]
  926. Tonight's the Night (Gonna Be Alright) [Stewart]
  927. Tonight, Tonight
  928. Tonite Reprise
  929. Toodle-Loo
  930. Too Sharp
  931. To Scatter One's Own
  932. To Sheila
  933. Totally Humiliating
  934. To the Grays
  935. Touch Me [Doors]
  936. Tourist [Zipper Club]
  937. To Vegas
  938. Towers of Rabble
  939. To Who Knows Where
  940. Townhouse Attic Intro
  941. To Wonder, To Suffer
  942. The Tracer
  943. Tracey Jayney Girl
  944. Track 29
  945. The Trance
  946. Trans Back to Subway
  947. Transformer
  948. Transition to Contest
  949. Translucent
  950. Transmission [Joy Division]
  951. Trans to Apartment Complex
  952. Trans to Attic
  953. Trans to Billy Club
  954. Trans to Cab Station
  955. Trans to Camo's
  956. Trans to Church
  957. Trans to Comedy Club
  958. Trans to Food with Roof
  959. Trans to Jeremy
  960. Trans to Newstand
  961. Trans to Pac's
  962. Trans to Pac Saves Roof
  963. Trans to Pac the Viking
  964. Trans to Parade
  965. Trans to Roofie's
  966. Trans to Roofie's Limo
  967. Trans to Stage
  968. Trans to Subway
  969. Trans to Waterfront
  970. Trashy Mary Poppins
  971. Travels
  972. Tree Whispers
  973. Tribute to Johnny
  974. Trick or Treat
  975. The Trip
  976. Tristessa
  977. The Trolley Song [Martin/Blane]
  978. Tropic Scorpio [Third Eye Blind]
  979. True Confession
  980. True Love Ways [Buddy Holly]
  981. True Story
  982. Trust Flushed With Colors [Fulflej]
  983. Truth
  984. Truth Speech
  985. Try to Try
  986. Try, Try, Try
  987. Tulips
  988. Tuna Town
  989. Turn Burn
  990. Turner's Holding Up the Subway
  991. Turning Japanese [The Vapors]
  992. Turning You In
  993. Turn My Way [New Order]
  994. Tyger, Tyger
  995. Uber Politics
  996. Ugly
  997. Ultrasound
  998. Unchained [Van Halen]
  999. Unchained Melody [North/Zaret]
  1000. Under the Bridge [RHCP]
  1001. Under the Milky Way [The Church]
  1002. Under Your Spell
  1003. Unexpected News
  1004. Unexpected News 2
  1005. Unidentified song from Asheville
  1006. United States
  1007. Unity [Desmond Dekker]
  1008. Untitled
  1009. Untitled (Zwan instrumental)
  1010. Up to the Sun
  1011. U.S.A. (SD demo)
  1012. U.S.A. (Pastichio clip)
  1013. US Apparel Chick Visits the Booth
  1014. Use This Thing
  1015. U.S.S.R.
  1016. Usual Stuff
  1017. U Wanna Rock (Go to the Quarry)
  1018. V8
  1019. Vacuuming Naked
  1020. Valentine
  1021. Vanilla
  1022. Vanity
  1023. Venus in Furs [Velvet Underground]
  1024. Verily I Say
  1025. Victim of Changes [Judas Priest]
  1026. Victorian Victim
  1027. The Vigil
  1028. Villians
  1029. Violent Seas [Taproot]
  1030. Violet Rays
  1031. The Viper
  1032. Virex  *
  1033. Voice Recorder
  1034. Voices [Cheap Trick]
  1035. Voodoo Child (Slight Return) [Hendrix]
  1036. Waiting
  1037. Waiting (pre-Gish demo)
  1038. Waiting for You Now
  1039. Wake the Ghost
  1040. Wake Up Call
  1041. Wakeup Exercise
  1042. Walking Country
  1043. Walking Down the Street
  1044. Walking Shade
  1045. Walkin' the Dog [Rufus Thomas]
  1046. Walk to Mom
  1047. Walls [Petty]
  1048. War Dreams of Itself
  1049. War Jam
  1050. Wasted Years [Iron Maiden]
  1051. Wasting Time
  1052. Watching Leah and Pearl
  1053. Waves
  1054. Wave Song
  1055. The Way That I Do
  1056. Way Too Big
  1057. WCVB Chronicle (BG Cues)
  1058. Wedding Plans
  1059. Weekend (James Iha Mix)
  1060. Weeping Willowly
  1061. We Got Something
  1062. We Gotta Get Out of This Place [Animals]
  1063. We Have Fear
  1064. Weird on the Avenue [Frogs]
  1065. Welcome to the Newstand
  1066. We Love You
  1067. We On It
  1068. We Only Come Out at Night
  1069. West Coast
  1070. We Three Kings [Hopkins]
  1071. We Will Rock You [Queen]
  1072. What Deal
  1073. Whatever, Whenever
  1074. What Have They Done to Me
  1075. What If?  *
  1076. What I Like About You [Romantics]
  1077. What Is This
  1078. What the People Want
  1079. What the World Needs Now Is Love [Bacharach/David]
  1080. What You Wanted  *
  1081. When Candy Comes
  1082. When I Was Born I Was Bored
  1083. When the Cocks Crow
  1084. When the Longing Goes Away
  1085. When the Saints Go Marching In [traditional]
  1086. When You Die Inside  *
  1087. When You Wish Upon a Star [Washington/Harline]
  1088. Where Are You Heading To? [Takahashi]
  1089. Where Boys Fear to Tread
  1090. (Where Do I Begin?) Love Story [Lai/Sigman]
  1091. Where Rain Must Fall
  1092. Where's Vince?
  1093. Wherever I Go [Faithfull]
  1094. Which Way You Goin' Billy? [The Poppy Family]
  1095. Whir
  1096. Whisper
  1097. Whispers & Potions
  1098. White City
  1099. White Lights
  1100. White Noise [Ex Cops]
  1101. White Rabbit [Jefferson Airplane]
  1102. White Spyder
  1103. Who
  1104. Who Am I [Third Eye Blind]
  1105. Who Are You?
  1106. Who Can It Be Now? [Men at Work]
  1107. Who Do You Love? [Doors]
  1108. Who Goes There
  1109. Who Knows [Hendrix]
  1110. Whole Lotta Love [Led Zeppelin]
  1111. Whole Lotta Rosie [AC/DC]
  1112. Who Loves the Sun [Velvet Underground]
  1113. Who Made You Do It?
  1114. Who Made You Do It? (v.2)
  1115. Who We Are [Jessica Simpson]
  1116. Who We Be [DMX]
  1117. Why Am I So Tired?
  1118. Why Buried at Sea
  1119. Why Pac Quit
  1120. Widow Wake My Mind
  1121. Wildflower
  1122. Wild Mountain Thyme [McPeake/Tannahill]
  1123. Wild Strawberries (野いちご) [Leo Imai]
  1124. Wild Thing [Chip Taylor]
  1125. William Tell
  1126. Willingly [Collie/Nelson]
  1127. Will the Circle Be Unbroken [Staple Singers]
  1128. Window Paine
  1129. Wine Country
  1130. Winter
  1131. Winterlong
  1132. Wipe Out [The Surfaris]
  1133. Wishing You Were Real
  1134. Wish You Were Here [Pink Floyd]
  1135. With Ado I Do
  1136. With Every Light
  1137. With Longing
  1138. Without Love
  1139. Without You
  1140. With Sympathy
  1141. With You
  1142. Wizzo
  1143. Women Power
  1144. Wonder
  1145. Wont Go Quietly
  1146. Work In This Universe [Fulflej]
  1147. The World Goes 'Round  *
  1148. World in a Maze
  1149. The World's Fair
  1150. World's Greatest Lover [Cheap Trick]
  1151. World's on Fire
  1152. Worms
  1153. Worms Part 2
  1154. Worship
  1155. Would If I Could
  1156. Wound
  1157. W. P.
  1158. Wrath
  1159. Wyttch
  1160. Xavier's Song
  1161. XOX
  1162. X.Y.U.
  1163. 優しい時間 (yasashii jikan - Gentle Time)
  1164. Yeah!
  1165. Yep
  1166. Yesterday
  1167. Yesterday [Beatles]
  1168. Y I'm EZ [Kaliphz]
  1169. You Can Sing Lead
  1170. You Can't Escape
  1171. You Left
  1172. You'll Never Find Me [Korn]
  1173. Your Best Self
  1174. Your Black Heart
  1175. You Ready
  1176. You're All I've Got Tonight [Cars]
  1177. You Really Got Me [Kinks]
  1178. You're Fat
  1179. You're Gonna Miss Me [Muddy Waters]
  1180. You're the Voice [Farnham]
  1181. You're Wrong About Me
  1182. Your Love
  1183. Your Whore
  1184. You Said
  1185. You Should Know
  1186. You Were Mine
  1187. You Were On My Mind [Fricker]
  1188. You Won't Let Me Down Again [Campbell/Lanegan]
  1189. 夕暮れの帰り道 (yuugure no kaerimichi - The Evening Road Home)
  1190. Zeitgeist
  1191. Zen Baby  *
  1192. Zero
  1193. Zieg Heil
  1194. Zip Out
  1195. The Zoo [Scorpions]
  1196. Zoom
  1197. Zope
  1198. Zowie

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