Nicole recording The Chimera on a T-bird, TSP Facebook 2011/06/09
2-pickup model of the Gibson Thunderbird, the first of the Gibson basses to have a 34" neck (similar to Fenders'), as previous models were 30-1/2".
[product site | wiki | more info]
Featured in a photo on TSP's facebook page on 2011/06/09, captioned "Nicole Recording The Chimera". Also mentioned by @Billy in a tweet on 2011/06/18 about the main basses used on Oceania.
Billy's tweet gives the year as "1962(?)", however the Thunderbird wiki (and Gibson's web site) says they were introduced in 1963. It is likely from 1964-65, as no T-bird IVs shipped in 1963 (only two IIs), and models from 1966-69 were "non-reverse", with the body shape flipped backwards (see the 'more info' link above for further details).