2.6 Where to find given live songs
The easiest ways to find a particular live song is to search for it using
SPFC's song search feature, or to peruse SPFC's Tour History. You may also care
to look through SPFC's list of "professionally released" bootlegs. Songlist
pages for songs which have been played live link to a list of all tour dates
the song was played at (just click the "tour info" button on the left sidebar),
and tour date pages with recordings available will often link to the Live Music
Archive at archive.org.
Here is where to find all of these things:
SPFC Song Search: http://www.spfc.org/songs-releases/song_search.html
SPFC Tour History: http://www.spfc.org/tours/index.html
SPFC Bootlist: http://www.spfc.org/songs-releases/boot.html
Live Music Archive: http://www.archive.org/details/SmashingPumpkins