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(Alternate title/lyrics for The Aeroplane Flies High)


Alt. Lyrics

[same as normal version]

Alt. Titles/Lyrics

The Aeroplane Flies High   (normal version)

  Normal Lyrics

love is a sentimental heart
life is a sentimental way
spy the fragile heart so cursed
as he walks across this earth
i'm disconnected by your smile
disconnect a million miles
and what you promised me
i hope will set you free
i'm disconnected by your smile
and all i gave to you is lost
and all you took from me is lost
black wings carry me so high
up to meet you in the sky
i'm disconnected by your smile
disconnect a million miles
and what you promised me
i hope will set you free
i'm disconnected by your smile
wishing you were real to me
wishing i could make believe
i'll take my secrets to the grave
safely held beneath the waves
always knew i couldn't save
always knew i couldn't save you



Featured as a clip in Pastichio Medley (~13:06-13:24). Early/working title for 'The Aeroplane Flies High (Turns Left, Looks Right)'.

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