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The list is split up into eight categories, which should be mostly self-explanatory ("covers" refers to songs written by other bands & covered by TSP, Zwan, or a solo member, "side projects" are songs by other bands that had contributions by TSP members, or are mashups of TSP songs, etc.). Additionally, you can search by songwriter credits (note: these are based on BMI registration records where published, liner notes where not registered, and may be blank in other cases, even if "obvious"). Other writer credits (including co-writer searches, e.g. Billy + James) can be found by using the search page.

Once a song type or writer is chosen, "shortcut" links will appear underneath, which set certain commonly-used search criteria- the double pipes delimit sets that go together (i.e. "show/hide alt. titles", "show released/unreleased/all songs"). Due to limitations of the code, each song can currently only be assigned to one type, thus any non-released Zwan-era songs which Billy is using in his solo career will be listed under 'BC solo', just as some early Marked songs (i.e. Sun & Spiteface) were appropriated & used under TSP. So if you're browsing under Zwan & can't find something, check under BC solo, or switch to 'all songs'.

Most covers listed here contain the original lyrics. Some lyrics include stage banter from particular live performances. Notes and band comments are included where available.

Alternate and commonly used incorrect titles are marked with an asterisk (*) and point to another entry. Some of these entries may have different lyrics (i.e. "Disco King," "Virex," etc.), which are linked underneath the "normal" lyrics.

Search results  (writer: Billy Corgan):
  1. ?  *
  2. 10,000,000 Voices
  3. 1,000,000 Voices
  4. 17
  5. 1979
  6. 365
  7. 6+7
  8. 7 Shades of Black
  9. 7 Sisters  *
  10. 99 Floors
  11. A100
  12. A/Ab/E/B/F#
  13. Access Hollywood (BG Cues)
  14. Ache  *
  15. Acoustic intro from If All Goes Wrong
  16. Adrennalynne
  17. A drone  *
  18. Aeronaut
  19. The Aeroplane Flies High
  20. Again, Again, Again (The Crux)
  21. Age of Innocence
  22. Alabaster
  23. Alienation
  24. All Answers Revealed
  25. The Alley B (Overlay)
  26. All Things Change
  27. All Your Love [Sir Sly]
  28. Always [Berlin]
  29. Amarinthe
  30. Anaise!
  31. And I Stumbled Onto You  *
  32. Annie-Dog
  33. Anno Satana
  34. Anon
  35. Antietam
  36. Anti-Hero
  37. Apathy's Last Kiss
  38. Apologia
  39. Appels + Oranjes
  40. Archer
  41. Ascending Guitars
  42. Ascendo
  43. Asia Minor
  44. As Rome Burns
  45. Astral Planes
  46. Atum
  47. Automaton
  48. Autumn Nocturne
  49. Ava Adore
  50. Avalanche
  51. Baby, Let's Rock!
  52. Bagpipes Drone
  53. Barb Wire  *
  54. Be A Man [Hole]
  55. Beautiful
  56. Beautiful One  *
  57. Because You Are
  58. The Beginning Is the End Is the Beginning
  59. Beguiled
  60. Behold! the Night Mare
  61. Being Beige
  62. Better Days [Breaking Benjamin]
  63. Beyond the Vale
  64. Birch Grove
  65. Black Forest, Black Hills
  66. Black Sunshine  *
  67. Blank
  68. Blank Page
  69. Blaster Caster
  70. Bleed
  71. Bleeding the Orchid
  72. Blissed and Gone
  73. Blue
  74. Blue Skies Bring Tears
  75. Bodies
  76. The Bomb  *
  77. Born to Run  *
  78. Bring the Light
  79. Buffalo Boys
  80. Bullet with Butterfly Wings
  81. Burnt Orange-Black
  82. Burr
  83. Bury Me
  84. Butterfly Suite
  85. Bye June
  86. By Starlight
  87. TheCameraEye
  88. The Canary Trainer
  89. Cash Car Star
  90. Celebrity Skin [Hole]
  91. The Celestials
  92. Cenotaph
  93. Cherry
  94. Cherub Rock
  95. Chewing Gum
  96. The Chimera
  97. Chinoise
  98. Christmastime
  99. Chump  *
  100. Cinder
  101. Cinder Open
  102. C'mon
  103. Colosseum
  104. The Colour of Love
  105. (Come On) Let's Go!
  106. Come with Me
  107. Confessions of a Dopamine Addict
  108. Consumed
  109. Corsage in Flames
  110. Cotillions
  111. Cottonwood Symphony
  112. Crawl
  113. Crestfallen
  114. Cri de Coeur
  115. Cross (Adore-era demo)
  116. Crush
  117. The Crying Tree of Mercury
  118. The Culling
  119. Cupid de Locke
  120. Cyr
  121. Czarina
  122. Daggers [Ex Cops]
  123. Dancehall
  124. Danger Boy
  125. Daphne Descends
  126. Daydream
  127. Death from Above
  128. Death of a Mind  *
  129. Death of a Mind
  130. Declarations of Faith
  131. Descendo  *
  132. Desire
  133. DIA
  134. Did You Miss Me (I'm a Veronica)
  135. Disarm
  136. Disco King  *
  137. Disconnected  *
  138. Distrbnce (After Sckhausen)
  139. Dizzle
  140. A Dog's Prayer
  141. Doomsday Clock
  142. Doorstep  *
  143. Dorian
  144. Do You Close Your Eyes
  145. The Dream Machine
  146. Drive  *
  147. Dross
  148. Drown
  149. Drum + Fife
  150. Dulcería [AFI]
  151. Dulcet in E
  152. Dying [Hole]
  153. East
  154. Egg
  155. El Sol
  156. Embracer
  157. Empires
  158. The End Is the Beginning Is the End
  159. Endless Summer
  160. The Ethers Tragic
  161. Evergreen
  162. The Everlasting Gaze
  163. Every Morning
  164. Excelsior
  165. Eye
  166. Faithless Darlin
  167. Fat Man Blues
  168. Feelium
  169. The Fellowship
  170. Fireflies
  171. FOL
  172. Follow [Breaking Benjamin]
  173. Fools We Are  *
  174. Forget It [Breaking Benjamin]
  175. For God and Country
  176. For Martha
  177. Four Winds Chime  *
  178. Fragile, The Spark
  179. Frail and Bedazzled
  180. Frantic Ab Groove
  181. Freak
  182. Freedom Ain't What It Used to Be
  183. Freedom [Richie Havens]
  184. French Movie Theme
  185. Fuck You
  186. Fun Time
  187. Future Husband
  188. Galapogos
  189. Geek U.S.A.
  190. General Hospital (BG Cues)
  191. Germans in Leather Pants
  192. Glamey Glamay  *
  193. Glass and the Ghost Children
  194. Glass' Theme
  195. Glissandra
  196. G.L.O.W.
  197. Glynis
  198. God
  199. God's Gonna Set This World on Fire
  200. The Gold Mask
  201. The Good In Goodbye
  202. Gossamer
  203. The Groover
  204. The Guns of Love Disastrous
  205. Half-Life of an Autodidact
  206. Hard Times
  207. Harmageddon
  208. Haunted
  209. Have Love Will Travel
  210. Heartsong
  211. Heat
  212. Heaven
  213. Heavy Metal Machine
  214. Hello Kitty Kat
  215. Here Is No Why
  216. Here's to the Atom Bomb
  217. The Hidden Sun
  218. Hikari Express  *
  219. Hippy Trippy  *
  220. Hit So Hard [Hole]
  221. Home
  222. Honestly
  223. Honeyspider
  224. Hooligan
  225. Hooray!
  226. Hope
  227. How Dirty Girls Get Clean [Hole]
  228. Hummer
  229. Huzzah!
  230. I Am My End
  231. I Am One
  232. I Am One Pt. 2
  233. Identify
  234. Identify (Dust)
  235. If All Goes Right
  236. If All Goes Wrong
  237. If There Is a God
  238. I'll Never Change
  239. Imagineer [Madina Lake]
  240. I'm Doing the Best I Can
  241. I'm Going Crazy
  242. I'm On Fire [Faithfull]
  243. The Imploding Voice
  244. I'm Ready
  245. Indecision
  246. I Need You Around  *
  247. Infinite Sadness
  248. Inkless
  249. In Lieu Of Failure
  250. In My Body
  251. The Innocents  *
  252. Innosence
  253. Intergalactic
  254. In the Arms of Sleep
  255. Into Happiness [Phantogram]
  256. I of the Mourning
  257. It's Alright
  258. It's a Song I Sing  *
  259. Jackboot
  260. Jellybelly
  261. Jennifer Ever
  262. Jersey Shore
  263. Jesus, I
  264. Jesus Is the Sun
  265. Jesus Loves His Babies
  266. Jubilee
  267. Jupiter's Lament
  268. Just Between  *
  269. Kateri Marie
  270. The Kids Are Coming (To Take You Down) [Third Eye Blind]
  271. Kitty Kat  *
  272. Knights of Malta
  273. Knuckles
  274. KTRK News at 10:00pm (BG Cues)
  275. La Dolly Vita
  276. The Last Song
  277. Leaves [Miguel]
  278. Le Deux Machina
  279. Let Me Give the World to You
  280. Lie I Lie
  281. Light It Up [Third Eye Blind]
  282. Lightning Strikes
  283. Like Lambs
  284. Lily (My One and Only)
  285. Little Ditty
  286. Lizards
  287. The Long Goodbye
  288. Long Walk
  289. Loser Dust [Hole]
  290. Lost in the Woods [Taproot]
  291. Love
  292. Love Is a Battlefield [Knight/Chapman]
  293. Love Lies in Ruin
  294. Love Me Now [Phantogram]
  295. Love to Love [UFO]
  296. Loving You Sunday Morning [Scorpions]
  297. Lucky 13
  298. Luna
  299. Lyric
  300. M3
  301. M4
  302. M5
  303. M6
  304. M7
  305. M8
  306. M9
  307. M15
  308. Magdalena
  309. Malibu [Hole]
  310. Mama
  311. Mandarynne
  312. The March Hare
  313. Marchin' On
  314. Marquis in Spades
  315. Martinets
  316. MaryQ
  1. Mary Star of the Sea
  2. Mayonaise
  3. Medellia of the Gray Skies
  4. Meladori Magpie
  5. Mellon Collie  *
  6. Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness
  7. The Mercury Tree  *
  8. Methusela
  9. Millieu
  10. Mina Loy (M.O.H.)
  11. Minerva
  12. Moleasskiss
  13. Money (That's What I Want) [Strong]
  14. Monuments
  15. Morning Jam
  16. Moss
  17. Mouths of Babes
  18. Movers and Shakirs
  19. MSNBC Investigates (BG Cues)
  20. Mucho Benny
  21. Mullet with Butterfly Wings [Neil Cicierega]
  22. Muzzle
  23. My Dahlia
  24. My Eternity
  25. My Life and Times
  26. My Love Is Winter
  27. My Mistake
  28. NBC Gravity Games (BG Cues)
  29. Necromance
  30. Need  *
  31. Neophyte
  32. Neptulius
  33. Nero Riff-O  *
  34. Neverlost
  35. New Wave Echo  *
  36. New Waver
  37. Nightwaves
  38. No Surrender
  39. Nothing and Everything
  40. Not Worth Asking
  41. Now (And Then)
  42. The Number of the Beast [Iron Maiden]
  43. Obscured
  44. Oceania
  45. Of a Broken Heart
  46. Offer Up
  47. Of Sine Waves
  48. Of Square Waves
  49. Of Wings
  50. Once in a While
  51. Once Upon a Time
  52. One and All
  53. One Diamond, One Heart
  54. On My Own  *
  55. On the Loose
  56. Opal
  57. Orah
  58. O Rio
  59. Orpheus Descending
  60. The Other Side  *
  61. Over You
  62. Owata
  63. Pacer
  64. Pacific Coast Highway [Hole]
  65. Pale Horse
  66. Panopticon
  67. Pastichio Medley
  68. Pastichio Medley (reversed extras)  *
  69. Peace+Love
  70. Peace and Love and All That Other Shit  *
  71. Peach [WPC/Sierra Swan]
  72. Pennies
  73. Perfect
  74. Petals [Hole]
  75. Phang
  76. Pigs [We Are Pigs]
  77. Pinwheels
  78. Pissant
  79. Pleather
  80. Plume
  81. Pomp and Circumstances
  82. Pop Pop
  83. Porcelina of the Vast Oceans
  84. Pox
  85. Pretty, pretty STAR
  86. Pretty Shitty [Ex Cops]
  87. The Processional
  88. Promise
  89. Promise [Taproot]
  90. Promise Me
  91. Psalm 131
  92. Pug
  93. Pulseczar
  94. Purge
  95. Purple Blood
  96. Purr Snickety
  97. Quasar
  98. Question Mark
  99. Quiet
  100. The Rage [Kid Cudi]
  101. Rain [Breaking Benjamin]
  102. Raindrops + Sunshowers
  103. Ramona
  104. Random Thought
  105. Rats
  106. The Rattler  *
  107. Ravi Revi Roo
  108. Razor
  109. Real Love
  110. Reflect (Clouds)
  111. Reflect (Devotion)
  112. Reflect (Gray)
  113. Reflection/Possession
  114. Reflect (Pause)
  115. Reflect (Pretty)
  116. Reflect (Purity)
  117. Reflect (Time)
  118. Revolve
  119. Rhinoceros
  120. Ride a Black Swan
  121. Ride On  *
  122. Rider
  123. Rings
  124. Rivers We Can't Cross
  125. Rocket
  126. Rock Me
  127. Roctopus
  128. Ropey Lopey  *
  129. The Rose March
  130. Rotten Apples
  131. Run2Me
  132. The Sacred and Profane
  133. Saffron
  134. Samantha [Hole]
  135. Samurai Mike  *
  136. Saturnine
  137. Save Your Tears
  138. Savior [Presley]
  139. Schaudenfreud
  140. Seam  *
  141. Sea of Suspects
  142. Seek and You Shall Destroy
  143. Set the Ray to Jerry
  144. Settle Down
  145. Shades of Doom  *
  146. Shamay  *
  147. Shame
  148. Shangra-La
  149. She
  150. She Says
  151. Shiloh
  152. Siamese Dream
  153. Siddhartha
  154. Silverfuck
  155. Silvery Sometimes (Ghosts)
  156. Simmatar
  157. Sinfony
  158. Singapore  *
  159. Sing for All You Squander  *
  160. Siva
  161. Sky of Blue
  162. Slow Dawn
  163. Slow Song  *
  164. Slunk
  165. Slurry
  166. Smiley
  167. Snail
  168. Snap
  169. Sojourner
  170. Solara
  171. Soma
  172. A Song for a Son
  173. Soot and Stars
  174. Soothe
  175. Sorrows (in blue)
  176. So Very Sad About Us
  177. Space Age
  178. Spaceboy
  179. Spaced
  180. Spangled
  181. The Spaniards
  182. Sparrow
  183. Spazmatazz
  184. Special K  *
  185. Special Winner's Song
  186. Speed
  187. Speed Kills
  188. Speed Racer
  189. Spellbinding
  190. Spiders
  191. Spilled Milk
  192. Spiteface
  193. Springtimes
  194. Squirrels with Tails
  195. Stand Inside Your Love
  196. Starla
  197. Starrcraft
  198. Stars Fall In
  199. Starz
  200. Stella Polaris  *
  201. Stellar
  202. Steps In Time
  203. Stigmata
  204. Stigmata (BG Cues)
  205. Stigmata End Title Theme
  206. Stigmata Film Incidental Music
  207. A Stitch in Time
  208. STP
  209. Straight Ab  *
  210. Strayz
  211. Strolling  *
  212. Stumbleine
  213. Subway (Overlay)
  214. Suffer
  215. Suicide Kiss  *
  216. Sun
  217. Sunkissed
  218. Sunset Marquis [Hole]
  219. Superchrist
  220. Sustain
  221. Sweet Sweet
  222. The Tale of Dusty and Pistol Pete
  223. Tales of a Scorched Earth
  224. Tarantula
  225. Tear
  226. Teargarden Theme
  227. Telegenix
  228. That's the Way (My Love Is)
  229. That Which Animates the Spirit
  230. There It Goes
  231. Think You Know
  232. Thirty-three
  233. This Time
  234. Thru the Eyes of Ruby
  235. Tiberius
  236. Tilt
  237. Today
  238. To Forgive
  239. To Love You
  240. Tom Tom
  241. Tonight, Tonight
  242. Tonite Reprise
  243. To Scatter One's Own
  244. To Sheila
  245. To the Grays
  246. Towers of Rabble
  247. Transformer
  248. Translucent
  249. Travels
  250. Tree Whispers
  251. Tribute to Johnny
  252. Tristessa
  253. Tropic Scorpio [Third Eye Blind]
  254. Truth
  255. Try to Try
  256. Try, Try, Try
  257. Tulips
  258. Tyger, Tyger
  259. Ugly
  260. Under Your Spell
  261. Unidentified song from Asheville
  262. United States
  263. Untitled
  264. U.S.S.R.
  265. Valentine
  266. Vanilla
  267. Vanity
  268. Verily I Say
  269. Violent Seas [Taproot]
  270. Violet Rays
  271. Virex  *
  272. Waiting
  273. Walking Shade
  274. Wasting Time
  275. WCVB Chronicle (BG Cues)
  276. We Only Come Out at Night
  277. What If?  *
  278. What You Wanted  *
  279. When You Die Inside  *
  280. Where Boys Fear to Tread
  281. Where Rain Must Fall
  282. Where's Vince?
  283. Wherever I Go [Faithfull]
  284. Whir
  285. Whisper
  286. White Noise [Ex Cops]
  287. White Spyder
  288. Who Am I [Third Eye Blind]
  289. Why Am I So Tired?
  290. Widow Wake My Mind
  291. Wildflower
  292. Window Paine
  293. Winterlong
  294. Wishing You Were Real
  295. With Ado I Do
  296. With Every Light
  297. With Sympathy
  298. With You
  299. Wizzo
  300. The World Goes 'Round  *
  301. Worms
  302. Worms Part 2
  303. Wound
  304. W. P.
  305. Wrath
  306. Wyttch
  307. X.Y.U.
  308. Yeah!
  309. Y I'm EZ [Kaliphz]
  310. You'll Never Find Me [Korn]
  311. Zeitgeist
  312. Zen Baby  *
  313. Zero
  314. Zoom
  315. Zope
  316. Zowie

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