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The list is split up into eight categories, which should be mostly self-explanatory ("covers" refers to songs written by other bands & covered by TSP, Zwan, or a solo member, "side projects" are songs by other bands that had contributions by TSP members, or are mashups of TSP songs, etc.). Additionally, you can search by songwriter credits (note: these are based on BMI registration records where published, liner notes where not registered, and may be blank in other cases, even if "obvious"). Other writer credits (including co-writer searches, e.g. Billy + James) can be found by using the search page.

Once a song type or writer is chosen, "shortcut" links will appear underneath, which set certain commonly-used search criteria- the double pipes delimit sets that go together (i.e. "show/hide alt. titles", "show released/unreleased/all songs"). Due to limitations of the code, each song can currently only be assigned to one type, thus any non-released Zwan-era songs which Billy is using in his solo career will be listed under 'BC solo', just as some early Marked songs (i.e. Sun & Spiteface) were appropriated & used under TSP. So if you're browsing under Zwan & can't find something, check under BC solo, or switch to 'all songs'.

Most covers listed here contain the original lyrics. Some lyrics include stage banter from particular live performances. Notes and band comments are included where available.

Alternate and commonly used incorrect titles are marked with an asterisk (*) and point to another entry. Some of these entries may have different lyrics (i.e. "Disco King," "Virex," etc.), which are linked underneath the "normal" lyrics.

Search results  (writer: James Iha):
  1. About My Reputation
  2. Action
  3. Admit What We Know
  4. Aerial (Reprise)
  5. Affirmations
  6. Ain't No One Gonna Hurt You  *
  7. Airport Arrival
  8. Alabaster
  9. Alice Tape Worm Diet
  10. All Dead
  11. Always a Hoe
  12. Amazing Parents
  13. Anal Bead
  14. And the Winner Is
  15. Angie Out
  16. Angie's Back
  17. Angie's Old
  18. Annie's Orphanage
  19. Annika Deception
  20. Answer the Phone
  21. Anyways
  22. Apartment Complex
  23. Apples and Oranges
  24. Arrangement
  25. Arrangement End Credit 101
  26. Arrangement End Credits
  27. Arrangement End Credits 104
  28. Arrangement Main Title
  29. Arrangement Main Title 102
  30. Arrangement Main Title 103
  31. Arrangement Main Title 104
  32. Arrangement Recap
  33. Arrangement Recap 104
  34. Art Gallery Power Play
  35. Art Museum
  36. Asian House
  37. Attic
  38. Attic Sex
  39. Awww
  40. Axe to Grind
  41. Bachelorette Solved
  42. Back for the Hampster
  43. Back In Our Town
  44. Back of My Mind [The Blank Theory]
  45. Back to Rube
  46. Back With You
  47. Bad Timing
  48. Bagel (intro)
  49. bagel (outro)
  50. Bagel Scene Remix
  51. Bag is Good to Go
  52. Ball of Feelings
  53. Bathtub
  54. Beauty
  55. Been Too Long
  56. Believe
  57. The Bells
  58. Be Patient
  59. Be Strong Now
  60. Bevelsnork
  61. Bigger Obstacle
  62. Blew Away
  63. Blob Ate the Cable
  64. Blob Robs Newstand
  65. Bloody Macbeth
  66. Blue Eyes [Weiland]
  67. Blueprint For Yourself
  68. Bob Drugs Leah
  69. Body Issues
  70. ボクにうつして (Boku ni utsushite)
  71. Born Ready Trans
  72. The Boy
  73. Bracelet
  74. Brooklyn to LA
  75. Brouhaha [Vanessa & the O's]
  76. Buddy Doesn't Want to Leave
  77. Buddy Forgot His Wife
  78. Bugg Superstar
  79. Bury Sue At Sea
  80. Cab Ride
  81. Camo Before the Date
  82. Camo in the Street
  83. Camo Living a Lie
  84. Camomile Library
  85. Camomile on a Date
  86. Camomile Slurpee
  87. Camo's Apartment
  88. Camo's Career
  89. Camo's Devious
  90. Camo's Got Video
  91. Camo Show In
  92. Camo's Pissed
  93. Camo's Show Gets Hijacked
  94. Camo Visits Newstand
  95. Case Solved
  96. Celebrity Icon
  97. Cha Cha
  98. Chamomile at Gallery
  99. Charlie Charlie [Vanessa & the O's]
  100. Checking Out the House
  101. Checkmate
  102. Clocking to Death
  103. Coach Him Up
  104. Coco Puffs
  105. College Friend
  106. Comedy Case Out
  107. Comedy Club Haunted
  108. Comedy Show
  109. Confessions
  110. Confronting Father
  111. Confront It
  112. Confront Your Fear
  113. Contest Intro
  114. Contest (remix)
  115. Country Girl
  116. Country Song  *
  117. Count Your Blessings
  118. Course Correct
  119. Crooked Game
  120. Cruels Et Tendres [Vanessa & the O's]
  121. Daniel Gets Laid
  122. Daniel Needs Sex
  123. Daniel Thank You
  124. Danny the Virgin
  125. Darcy
  126. Dark Energy
  127. Deadbeat Main Title
  128. Deadbeat 101 End Credits
  129. Deadbeat 102 End Credits
  130. Deadbeat 103 End Credits
  131. Deadbeat 104 End Credits
  132. Deadbeat 106 End Credits
  133. Deadbeat 107 End Credits
  134. Deadbeat 108 End Credits
  135. Deadbeat 109 End Credits
  136. Deadbeat End Credits
  137. Dead Last Cues
  138. Dear Kyle
  139. Definitely Haunted
  140. Demon Pickle
  141. Dennis Answer
  142. Detonation Device
  143. Did You Really Mean That
  144. Different Reasons
  145. Digging a Grave Intro
  146. Dig it Up
  147. Dive Deep
  148. Dodged a Bullet
  149. Dolls are Haunted
  150. Done and Done
  151. Don is Gay Fade-Out Gtr
  152. Don't Be Sad [Whiskeytown]
  153. Don't Help Rube
  154. Don't Kill Roof
  155. Do They Know
  156. Dropping In
  157. Drug Deal
  158. Dry Cleaning Bill
  159. Elizabeth's Itinerary
  160. Emergency Call
  161. Explain That
  162. Externalize Blame
  163. Face the Monster
  164. Face Your Fears
  165. Family Struggle
  166. Farewell and Goodnight
  167. Father's Eyes [The Blank Theory]
  168. Favors Add Up
  169. Feel That Connection
  170. Felonies and Misdemeanors
  171. Figure This Out
  172. Finally a Real Model
  173. Final Touches
  174. Fire Burn, Cauldron Bubble
  175. First Day Wrap
  176. Fitz Wears Makeup
  177. Fix Whatever
  178. Flamenco Acid Trip
  179. Flashback
  180. Floating
  181. Fly on my Junk
  182. Fly [Zipper Club]
  183. Focus On Me
  184. Foolproof
  185. Force of Personality
  186. Found Each Other
  187. Four Orgasms
  188. Full Blown Affair
  189. Future
  190. Get Some
  191. Get This Party Started
  192. Ghost Amnesia
  193. Ghost at Art Gallery (remix)
  194. Ghost at the Gallery
  195. Ghost Drone
  196. Ghost Girl
  197. Ghost in the Mirror
  198. Ghosts in the Hospital
  199. Gift
  200. Girls Need a Stripper
  201. Girls to the Club
  202. Go
  203. Going the Distance [Zipper Club]
  204. Goldfish Down Subway
  205. Good Night
  206. Goodnight [Zipper Club]
  207. Gourgeous Death [Vanessa & the O's]
  208. Grave Digging
  209. Graystone Was a Fraud
  210. Greater Privilege
  211. Greatest Of All Time
  212. Great Idea
  213. Grounds For Termination
  214. Guitar Song 1
  215. Gwen Byers Theme
  216. Happy Person
  217. Haus of Putts
  218. Haus of Putts 3
  219. Haus of Putts 4 / Waiting for Jack
  220. Head Start
  221. Hello Darkness Video
  222. Help Amber Find Mom
  223. Her Name
  224. He Saves Her
  225. Higher Mind Bullshit
  226. Hike It Up
  227. History of Radness
  228. Hos Are Pros
  229. Hosp
  230. Hospital
  231. Hospital Bed Intro
  232. Hospital Bed Stomach
  233. Hot Dog Montage
  234. Hot Dog Tasting
  235. Hub Cap
  236. Human Being
  237. I Am a Nightwalker
  238. I Am One
  239. I Can't Let Go [Annie]
  240. I Finish Business
  241. I Got Macbeth
  242. I'm Great
  243. I Miss You
  244. Important Statement
  245. I Must Be Dreaming [Vanessa & the O's]
  246. Incentive
  247. Ingratiate Yourself
  248. Inhibitor
  249. Innosence
  250. Inspires Me
  251. Internalize It
  252. Interrupt The Flow
  253. In the Street (That '90s Show opening)
  254. Intro
  255. Intro Workshop
  256. Is Back
  257. I See It
  258. Ishla Ba Dreb
  259. Is the Ghost Hot
  260. It's Implied
  261. I Want a Divorce
  262. Jack Confronts Judd
  263. Jane In Swamp
  264. J'Attends Lou [Vanessa & the O's]
  265. Jealousy
  266. Jeremy Goldberg's Dad Died
  267. Jockey for Position
  268. Julep Killed Brianne
  269. Julep Poisoned Hubby
  270. Julep's Back
  271. Julie Calls Professor Frat House
  272. Just Another Actress
  273. Kill Plan
  274. Kill This Movie
  275. Kiss the Slap Kick [Zipper Club]
  276. Knife Fight
  277. Knocking Over Needle Tray
  278. Kyle Loved
  279. Kyle Piano
  280. Kyle Proposal
  281. Kyle Texts
  282. Last Warning
  283. Lay Down Your Arms
  284. Leah and Pearl in the Woods
  285. Leah Receives Ring
  286. Leaving the House
  287. Let Her Go
  288. Life After Sports
  289. Lips [Zipper Club]
  290. Listening to Us
  291. Little New Moon [Dreamers]
  292. Loan From a Friend
  1. Love Addicted Groupie
  2. Love Is Tough
  3. Lover, Lover
  4. Love This Game
  5. Make It Better
  6. Makes Me Feel Safe
  7. Making Progress
  8. Mannequins Look
  9. Marriage Counselor
  10. Mayonaise
  11. Medieval Song [Vanessa & the O's]
  12. Mediums Different Worlds
  13. Meet Daniel
  14. Meeting Alice
  15. Meet the Don
  16. Megan Apologizes
  17. Megan Distracted
  18. Megan Escapes
  19. Megan Wakes
  20. Meltdowns on Set
  21. Mess With a Pro
  22. Mom Died
  23. Mom Theme
  24. Moralityclause
  25. More Counseling
  26. More Ice Tea
  27. Mother, May I Sleep With Danger? (End Credits)
  28. Mother, May I Sleep With Danger? (Opening)
  29. Mr. Mayor
  30. Mr. Whibbles Chaos
  31. My Business Is
  32. My Grandfather
  33. My Secret
  34. Necklace
  35. Need to Make Money for Date
  36. Negotiation in Hospital
  37. New Arrangement
  38. New Car
  39. Newspaper Booth
  40. Newstand
  41. Night Drive
  42. Nobody Actress
  43. Nobody Waitress
  44. No Disaster
  45. No One's Gonna Hurt You
  46. No Sex
  47. Not a Good Man
  48. Not Authentic
  49. Not Authorized
  50. Not in the mood
  51. Not My Girlfriend
  52. Not That Simple
  53. NY Hotel [Vanessa & the O's]
  54. Off to Meet Mr. Kelly
  55. On Arsenio
  56. One and Two
  57. One By One
  58. On the Case
  59. Opening
  60. Open Up
  61. Original Version
  62. Outro
  63. Ovulating Now
  64. Pac and Roofie Out to Eat
  65. Pac at Subway
  66. Pac at the Newstand
  67. Pac Bites It
  68. Pac Dominates
  69. Pac Empties the Bag
  70. Pac Gets a Boner
  71. Pac Gets Seduced
  72. Pac Has Sex
  73. Pac Investigating
  74. Pacman Meets Goochi
  75. Pacman Meets the Swedes
  76. Pac Meets Julep
  77. Pac Meets the Blob
  78. Pac Misses Camo
  79. Pac Recording
  80. Pac's a Catch
  81. Pac Sees the Monster
  82. Pac's Getting Wiki
  83. Pac Sue East River
  84. Pac Talks to Mr. Kelly
  85. Pac Talks to Receptionist
  86. Pac Talks to Spirits
  87. Pac Threatens Ghost
  88. Pac Wants to Get High
  89. Pac Will Help Hubs
  90. Pajamas
  91. Pastichio Medley
  92. Pastichio Medley (reversed extras)  *
  93. Penny Saver
  94. Perfect Girlfriend
  95. Phone Sex
  96. Plume
  97. Plus Rien [Vanessa & the O's]
  98. Poisoned
  99. Porn Saved My Life
  100. Poster Out
  101. Pot Chocolates
  102. Previously On
  103. Process
  104. Punk Migration [Peals]
  105. Push the Domino
  106. Ready to Rehearse
  107. Real Adventure
  108. Real Friends
  109. Real News
  110. Real Story
  111. Real Words
  112. Rehang Painting
  113. Relaxed
  114. Remember Buddy
  115. Rewrite History
  116. Rider of Steel [Vanessa & the O's]
  117. Right Back
  118. Right Direction
  119. Right Place Right Time
  120. Right to Refuse
  121. Roll the Tape
  122. Roof and Pac on the Steps
  123. Roof Bought a House
  124. Roof Feels Violated
  125. Roof Has an Idea
  126. Roofie in Changing Room
  127. Roofie Pac At Mayor's Lobby
  128. Roofie Pretends He's Not Scared
  129. Roofie's Apartment
  130. Roofie's Apartment Loan From a Friend
  131. Roofies Pad
  132. Roofie Taxi
  133. Roofie Wiki
  134. Rory's Dead
  135. Rory Story
  136. Rory Theme
  137. Rube Neglected
  138. Rube's Apartment
  139. Rube's Machine
  140. Rube Was Our Grandfather
  141. Rube Will Pay
  142. Safe With Me
  143. ...Said Sadly
  144. Save Me
  145. Sayonara
  146. Say Yes
  147. School Yard
  148. Sclabble
  149. Scotty Looking
  150. Script Read
  151. Se Bantz Oosheye
  152. Second Take
  153. Secret Room
  154. See Some Dick
  155. See the Sun
  156. Shakey Chase Scene
  157. Shakey Departs
  158. Shakey Gets Goochi
  159. Shakey Gets Scared
  160. Shakey Hands Unfinished Biz
  161. Shakey to the Rescue
  162. She
  163. Sheriff Act
  164. Shitty Feelings
  165. Short Everywhere
  166. Sick Freak
  167. Silver String
  168. Single Greatest Thing
  169. Sitar Sting
  170. Smell of Sweat
  171. Smoke Alarm
  172. Soma
  173. Something In Mind
  174. Something Is Calling [Vanessa & the O's]
  175. Something Powerful in the Tunnel
  176. Sound of Love
  177. Spaghetti Murphy
  178. Special Winner's Song
  179. Specific Fantasy
  180. Spin Job
  181. Stabbed 47 Times
  182. Stabbed in the Back
  183. Stand [Vanessa & the O's]
  184. Stars Fall In
  185. Status Reports
  186. Staying With Him
  187. Steak Knively
  188. Still Here
  189. Still Here
  190. Still Sleeping
  191. Subway Ghosts
  192. Subway Out
  193. Sue Saves Pac
  194. Sue's Body Parts
  195. Sue the Ghost
  196. Summer
  197. Superman [Zipper Club]
  198. Suspension Bridge
  199. Synogogue
  200. Synogogue Out
  201. Tag Sale
  202. Take a Walk
  203. Take Me Down
  204. Take Me There
  205. Talking to Mannequin
  206. Tamagachi in Hospital
  207. Tamagachi in Hospital Outro
  208. Tamagachi Returns
  209. Tapeworm Fight
  210. Taxi
  211. Telling You Now
  212. Terrence Reaches Out
  213. That '90s Show (End Credits)
  214. They Didn't Even Say Goodbye
  215. This Script
  216. Till Next Tuesday
  217. Times Square Intro
  218. Times Square Out
  219. Tired of Killing
  220. Too Sharp
  221. Totally Humiliating
  222. Tourist [Zipper Club]
  223. To Vegas
  224. Townhouse Attic Intro
  225. Trans Back to Subway
  226. Transition to Contest
  227. Trans to Apartment Complex
  228. Trans to Attic
  229. Trans to Billy Club
  230. Trans to Cab Station
  231. Trans to Camo's
  232. Trans to Church
  233. Trans to Comedy Club
  234. Trans to Food with Roof
  235. Trans to Jeremy
  236. Trans to Newstand
  237. Trans to Pac's
  238. Trans to Pac Saves Roof
  239. Trans to Pac the Viking
  240. Trans to Parade
  241. Trans to Roofie's
  242. Trans to Roofie's Limo
  243. Trans to Stage
  244. Trans to Subway
  245. Trans to Waterfront
  246. Trashy Mary Poppins
  247. Tribute to Johnny
  248. Trick or Treat
  249. True Story
  250. Truth Speech
  251. Turner's Holding Up the Subway
  252. Turning You In
  253. Uber Politics
  254. Unexpected News
  255. Unexpected News 2
  256. US Apparel Chick Visits the Booth
  257. Use This Thing
  258. Usual Stuff
  259. Vacuuming Naked
  260. Voice Recorder
  261. Wake Up Call
  262. Wakeup Exercise
  263. Walking Down the Street
  264. Walk to Mom
  265. Watching Leah and Pearl
  266. Wave Song
  267. Way Too Big
  268. Wedding Plans
  269. Welcome to the Newstand
  270. We On It
  271. What Deal
  272. What Is This
  273. What the People Want
  274. Who Are You?
  275. Why Buried at Sea
  276. Why Pac Quit
  277. Wine Country
  278. Winter
  279. Women Power
  280. Wonder
  281. Wont Go Quietly
  282. Xavier's Song
  283. Yep
  284. You Can Sing Lead
  285. You Left
  286. Your Best Self
  287. You Ready
  288. You're Fat
  289. You're Wrong About Me
  290. You Said
  291. You Should Know
  292. Zip Out

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